ANTIN // 2021 Universal Registration Document


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

Note 26 Events after the reporting period Fundraising for NextGen Fund I Following the successful first closing of NextGen Fund I in December 2021, fundraising for this fund progressed further in 2022.

Russia’s military large-scale invasion During the period from 31 December 2021 to the date the financial statements were approved, Russia’s military large scale invasion in areas within Ukraine has caused extensive disruptions to businesses and economic activities in Europe. The uncertainties over the emergence and spread of the conflict have caused market volatility worldwide. Antin and its portfolio companies have no direct or indirect exposure to the conflict in Russia and Ukraine and have no physical locations in those regions. Antin also has no fund investors based in Russia or Ukraine. Antin will continue to monitor the situation and potential effects it may have on the business and its portfolio companies. 1Q 2022 AUM Announcement On 25 April 2022, Antin released its 1Q 2022 AUMAnnouncement, reporting AUM of €22.0bn and FPAUM of €13.7bn. AUM and FPAUM decreased by (2.8%) and (0.4%) respectively during the quarter due to the realisation of investments. With respect to capital raising, Antin made further progress in fundraising for NextGen Fund I and launched fundraising for Flagship Fund V. Capital was deployed at a steady pace during the first quarter with two investments announced for Mid Cap Fund I and one inaugural investment announced for NextGen Fund I. During the quarter, Antin also announced the exit of Roadchef from Flagship Fund II. All Antin Funds performed either on plan or ahead of plan as of 31 March 2022.

Change in legal structure for Antin Infrastructure Partners Asia Private Limited

Antin transferred 100% of the shares held in Antin Infrastructure Partners Asia Private Limited from Antin Infrastructure Partners SAS to Antin Infrastructure Partners S.A. The share transfer was effected on 21 January 2022 with the purpose of simplifying the organisational structure of Antin. Implementation of a liquidity contract Antin has commissioned BNP Paribas Exane to implement a liquidity contract concerning its own shares, starting on 25 March 2022 for a first ending on 31 December 2022, and then for a one year renewable period. This agreement has been drawn up in accordance with applicable regulations. The objective of the contract is to improve Antin’s share trading on the regulated market of Euronext Paris. The resources allocated to the liquidity contract for the implementation of the contract are €2 million.



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