ANTIN // 2021 Universal Registration Document

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 6 Notes to the consolidated financial statements

Grant date

Number of shares

Value per share (€)

23-Sep-2021 11-Nov-2021


24.00 32.80




6.5 Pension plans


Reference: IAS 19 Post-employment benefits

immediately in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income. Antin determines the net interest expense/income on the defined benefit obligation for the period by applying the discount rate used to measure the defined benefit obligation at the beginning of the annual period to the then defined benefit obligation, taking into account any changes in the defined benefit obligation during the period as a result of contributions and benefit payments. Net interest expense/ income and other expenses related to defined benefit plans are recognised in profit or loss. Defined contribution plans Defined contribution plans limit Antin’s liability to the subscriptions paid into the plan but do not commit Antin to a specific benefit level. Such plans result in employees bearing the actuarial risk and the investment risk. Obligations for contributions to defined contribution plans of Antin are therefore expensed as the related service is provided.

Post-employment benefits can be broken down into two categories: defined contribution pension plans or defined

benefit pension plans. Defined benefits plan

A defined benefit plan is a pension plan that is not a defined contribution plan. Typically, defined benefit plans specify an amount of pension benefit that an employee will receive upon retirement, usually dependent on one or more factors such as age, years of service and compensation. The benefits paid to employees in France qualify as a defined benefit plan. Antin’s obligation in respect of defined benefit plans is calculated by estimating the amount of future benefits that employees have earned in the current and prior periods and by discounting that amount. Antin does not have any plan assets. The defined benefit obligation is calculated annually by independent actuaries using the projected unit credit method. Remeasurements of the defined benefit obligation, which comprise actuarial gains and losses are recognised Defined benefits plan in France In France, the defined benefit pension plan is a mandatory end-of-service benefit plan. Employees must have completed ten years of service to be eligible. The amount of the lump sum corresponds to a number of months of salary based on

years of service at the time of retirement. This plan is not pre funded. The valuation of this defined benefit plan is carried out using actuarial techniques based on assumptions such as the discount rate, the long-term salary increase rate and on statistical information related to demographic assumptions such as mortality, employee turnover, disability and retirement age.


0.60% 3.00%

Discount rate

Long-term salary increase

Mortality table

TGH-TGF 2005

Changes in the present value of defined benefit obligations in France were as follows:

(in €k)



Opening defined benefit obligation

984 126

793 104

Current service cost

Interest cost



Change in accounting method Remeasurement (gains)/losses Closing defined benefit obligation



(15) 580




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