AIRBUS - 2020 Universal Registration Document

1. Information on the Company’s Activities /

1.3 Recent Developments


The Company’s principal vehicle for corporate philanthropy, the Airbus Foundation refocused its 2020 budget to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, prioritising support for the humanitarian actions of its NGO partners. In light of changing societal needs, the Foundation also revisited its mission and a new vision for the Foundation was approved by its Board of Directors in April 2020. As well as retaining strong support for humanitarian and youth development activities, the Airbus Foundation’s strategic priorities now include “environment” as a third axis, focusing on nature preservation and assisting the climate change mitigation actions of its NGO partners. For further information on the Airbus Foundation mission and activities, please visit the Airbus Foundation annual report available on the Company’s website.

When the pandemic moves beyond crisis into recovery, the Company commits to strengthening opportunities for its employees to support their local communities. Closely aligned with the Airbus Foundation, a global community engagement programme is under development and is scheduled to be deployed in 2021 to build trusted partnerships with charitable organisations in local communities. The programme will be enabled through a digital platform to create, mobilise and measure the Company’s social impact activities against the framework of the UN SDGs.

1.3 Recent Developments

On 5 March 2021, the EU and US announced they would suspend all tariffs related to the WTO aircraft disputes for a four-month period.


Airbus / Registration Document 2020

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