AIRBUS - 2020 Universal Registration Document

1. Information on the Company’s Activities / 1.2 Non-Financial Information

working times. The headcount is calculated according to the consolidation quota of the respective companies. The scope for HR structure reporting covers about 99.98% of the Company’s total active workforce from consolidated companies. In total, about 0.02% of the Company’s employees are not included in the scope, as no detailed employee data is available at group level for some companies belonging to the Company, usually recently acquired. For more details on Scope and Methodology, please refer to the Company’s website at . Our People The Company’s workforce is managed by the HR function thanks to a set of HR policies and a strong labour structure. HR policies are discussed and agreed with social partners through continuous and regular meeting at global and local levels. The current priorities of the Company’s HR function are: – – to ensure that the Company can attract, develop and retain a world-class competent, motivated and exible workforce, which fits current and future business requirements;

– – to faci l i tate di vers i t y, cont inuous integrat ion and internationalisation of the Company and contribute to a common culture based on strong company values; and – – to be a global employer of choice and an innovative, inclusive and engaging place to work for all employees. Training & Mobility COVID-19 has been destabilising and has had a significant impact on the Company’s learning activities, driven by the need to reduce cash spend to secure the short-term survival of the Company. While the various restrictions and national lockdown measures have limited the Company’s ability to deploy classroom sessions, the Company invested further in our digital learning platforms to increase digital learning by 74% compared to 2019. The measures taken to adapt our classroom training sessions to comply with the strictest health and safety measures ensured the delivery of the mandatory and critical training without disruption to operations. The acceleration of our digital learning strategy has allowed employees to remain active in their development during periods of remote working and partial unemployment (according to social agreements).

In 2020, the Company provided more than 1 million training hours to employees.

2020 (1)

2019 (1)

2018 (1)

Number of Classroom Training




Number of Digital Training




(1) Change of reporting period since 2018: from 1 Oct to 30 Sep.

were provided in a digital format given the challenging context of 2020. The university continues to strengthen the Company’s approach to leadership, offering equivalent opportunities for all leaders to drive their development one step further, while accelerating the culture evolution and human transformation of the Company. Mobility of employees within the Company’s commercial aircraft business and its two Divisions provides overall benefit and value to the Company. In 2020, as of end of December, more than 7,000 employees have changed jobs through internal mobility.

The training KPIs in this report are provided for the legal entities in which at least one employee has followed a training during the year. These entities’ headcount represents 97.6% of the total active workforce from full consolidated companies. Some entities may monitor local trainings outside of the group’s centralised training tool MyPULSE, the corresponding additional training is not included in the KPIs above. In addition, in 2020 more than 33,500 employees benefitted from other leadership development and transformation solutions proposed by the Airbus Leadership University – many of which

1.2.5 Exemplify Business Integrity

I. Introduction The Company’s Ethics & Compliance programme seeks to ensure that the Company’s business practices conform to applicable laws, regulations and ethical business principles, as well as developing a culture of integrity and speak-up. In 2020, Ethics & Compliance continued to be a top priority for the Company as for 2019 and 2018. In its list of priorities for the year, the Company set the objective to: “Adapt our company and workforce to the crisis in a responsible manner that upholds our Values, while ensuring Health and Safety and reinforcing our commitment to Ethics & Compliance”.

The Company has worked over the past several years to develop an Ethics & Compliance programme that is structured around the following key risk areas: Business Ethics / Anti‑Corruption Compl iance, Expor t Compl iance and Data Protection Compliance. Each of these areas is, in turn, supported by dedicated compliance policies and a team responsible for their implementation, together with the identification and proposal of new measures to adapt to a constantly evolving regulatory landscape. Improving the Ethics & Compliance programme remains a constant and ongoing process, in cooperation with other functions within the Company, in order to sustain and capitalise on our values.


Airbus / Registration Document 2020

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