AIRBUS - 2020 Universal Registration Document
1. Information on the Company’s Activities /
1.2 Non-Financial Information
work activities included “slip, trip and fall”, ergonomics and the use of hand tools and equipment. These represent the majority of injuries recorded on the FISH global environment, health and safety software platform. Since 2018, the global scope of the FISH software platform has been progressively extended as an integral part of a company-wide management framework for health and safety. The deployment of the incident management module and the overall harmonisation process have enabled improvements in data collection and analysis, and the production of reports, including the company-wide key performance indicator, (shown in below table). A key improvement in 2020 was the inclusion of apprentices and temporary employees in the measurement of the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate. The scope of the incident management module covers Airbus’ commercial aircraf t business and its Divisions in France, Germany, Spain and UK, as well as the Airbus commercial aircraft plants in Mobile, USA and in Tianjin, China and continues to be progressively extended, including coverage of small sites. Development of the platform is ongoing and the module to support the assessment and management of risks is now an area of focus for the team.
Airbus capitalised on its existing network of local support roles jointly referred to as “Safety Ambassadors” to support implementation of COVID-19 management measures. This network provided a significant and valuable resource; as an example, in France and Germany, around 500 Safety Ambassadors were actioned in the Company’s Helicopters Division. In Airbus commercial aircraft activities around 1,900 Safety Ambassadors were actioned or further nominated in France, Germany, Spain and the UK. The clear, positive activity of this network during the crisis has reinforced our “We Are One” approach to our health and safety culture. Sadly, this does not mean that our colleagues have not been touched, and our heartfelt sympathy is with those who have suffered as a result of this pandemic. The health and safety function has defined the company-wide standards and methods to be applied for risk assessment and control, and the reporting and management of incidents. The system to escalate significant health and safety risks to top management has been reinforced. Serious risks are reported using the Company’s ERM system and tool, thereby ensuring efficient and effective decisions are made. The main health and safety concerns remain the risk of injury, ill-health, asset damage, business interruption and regulatory action. In 2020, the main causes of injury that could arise from
Airbus and its Divisions Rolling 12 months Employee Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate
5.95 5.89
5.70 5.65
4.68 4.61
4.32 4.18
3.91 3.81
The rolling year average of the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate has been very positively impacted in 2020 as a result of the various safety activities and the particular circumstances linked to pandemic. The result is a more than 30% improvement in FR1, with an end of year figure of 3.81 company-wide and 5.12 in the Company excluding the Divisions.
Airbus / Registration Document 2020
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