AIRBUS - 2020 Universal Registration Document

1. Information on the Company’s Activities /

1.2 Non-Financial Information


Annual objectives In order to better embed this ambition into the Company’s performance management, the Executive Committee agreed in 2019 to include a reduction target for 2020 (compared to 2019) of -2.7% for CO 2 and -5% for purchased water (see table below) as part of the Company’s top objectives. In 2020, the Executive Committee agreed to include reduction targets of -3% for CO 2 and -5% for water for 2021 (compared to 2020) as part of the Company’s top objectives. As such, these annual targets form part of the CEO’s and other Executive Committee members’ remuneration. In 2021, the CO 2 target will also be included as a non-financial KPI in the variable remuneration of executives and success sharing for all eligible employees.

The 2020 status shows a significant decrease of environmental footprint compared to 2019 due to the unexpected and unprecedented COVID-19 crisis, material ly af fecting the Company’s commercial aircraft operations. CO 2 emissions have decreased by around 20% in 2020 due to the decrease of industrial activities mainly in the Company’s commercial aircraft operations. Purchased water volume has followed a similar trend, decreasing by 21% in Europe, which re ects the impact of lower activities and presence on site due to confinement and remote-working scheme deployment as well as some efficient recovery on leak detection and remediation. Overall waste produced and VOC emitted have dropped by around 25%, re ecting the production rate reduction of Airbus commercial aircraft industrial activities. Nevertheless, significant ef fort has been made on every environmental aspect with regards to metering and digitising data acquisition and analysis in order to comply with long-term objectives.

For 2020, the CO 2 and Water annual performance is described in the table below:

2020 v. 2019




Covered scope

CO 2 e (ktons)




-20.4% -18.9%

77.5% 70.5%

-5% 2,465,934


Water (m3)

Annual objective on CO 2 Geographical scope - - In 2020: 42 sites . Additional sites are integrated in the scope each year, when efficient monthly monitoring and projects roadmap are available; - - Excluded: subsidiaries and Airbus sites outside Europe. Scope of metrics - - Scope 1 & Scope 2: Natural gas consumption, Propane consumption, Stationary Distillate fuel oil consumption, Biomass consumption, Purchased electricity consumption, Purchased heat/steam consumption, Mobile Distillate fuel oil consumption & all GHG emissions associated, GHG emissions from Flight Tests jet fuel aircraft / Kerosene consumption (except Airbus Helicopters and Airbus Defense & Space), GHG emissions from kerosene consumption from Beluga flights; - - Scope 3: GHG Emissions from Oversize Transport; - - Scope 3: Use of Sold Product data is excluded from coverage calculation; - - Excluded: refrigerant leakage, butane consumption, electricity on site from CHP, emissions due to processes. Annual objective on water purchase Geographical scope - - In 2020: 34 sites . Additional sites are integrated in the scope each year, when efficient monthly monitoring and projects roadmap are available; - - Excluded: subsidiaries and Airbus sites of outside Europe. Scope of metrics - - Volume of purchased water. Other Initiatives

selective dismantling (reverse manufacturing) process. In 2021, all carbon fibre waste from commercial aircraft production will be recycled by a specialised subcontractor. Wherever its industrial activities have an impact on biodiversity ( e.g. when building a new site or extending an existing one), the Company is engaged with local partners on conservation and remediation projects to preserve the affected ora and fauna and ensure they are not adversely affected by the Company’s activities. Noise around the Company’s sites can also be an important topic for neighbouring communities. The Company is actively engaged with local authorities and the affected population to minimise its impact, by adapting operating times and actively seeking to reduce the noise at the source. In Toulouse, Airbus has launched the Median initiative regrouping actors in charge of ight activities around the airport to find the most effective solution to reduce noise levels. Light pollution caused by Airbus activities has been deemed to be non-material to the Company’s value chain.

Since 2019, a blend of SAFs is used in the operation of the Company’s Beluga transport aircraft used for internal logistics and will progressively ramp up by 2030. In 2021, ight test activities will be included in this ambition. In the same timeframe, the share of renewable electricity used in industrial operations in Europe will progressively increase to reach 100% before 2030. The Company also promotes the development of a circular economy model, investing heavily in Life Cycle Assessment (“ LCA ”) tools and leveraging digitalisation to optimise material utilisation and reduce use of critical resources. As an example, as part of its Ecodesign initiative, the Defence and Space Division used LCA in the development of the Sentinel satellites that it is building for the ESA. The Company has also been proactive in seeking ways to reuse and recycle materials beyond their initial life. Not only does the Company send around 50% of its waste to be recycled, but today, through the TARMAC Aerosave joint venture, more than 90% of an aircraft weight is recycled or reused through a


Airbus / Registration Document 2020

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