AIRBUS - 2020 Universal Registration Document

1. Information on the Company’s Activities / 1.2 Non-Financial Information

Organisation and responsibilities Twomainmanagement structures are relevant for the governance in sustainability matters and climate change: the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee. As mentioned above, the Board of Directors is supported by its recently expanded committee, the ECSC. In practical terms, the ECSC as a committee of the Supervisory Board oversees strategic decision-making and the execution of the approved sustainability strategy, including areas such as innovation and environmental and climate action. Nonetheless, until today, carbon reduction initiatives and sustainability projects have been regularly discussed at Board of Directors level under the review of the “General report” which is part of the first items on the agenda of each Board meeting. To support the Executive Committee in environmental matters, especially climate-related, an Environment Executive Steering Committee (“ EnC ”) was established. The EnC gathers some members of the Executive Committee and senior managers responsible for environmental topics. It meets monthly to review the progress and take decisions on all matters related to the environmental strategy. The EnC reviews climate change related topics, including the progress on greenhouse gas (“ GHG ”) emissions reduction objectives, the decarbonisation strategy and climate related risks. Environmental operations are led by the Sustainability & Environment department described above, whose role is to guide the business in environmental matters and to set the policy and deploy, drive and improve the Environmental Management System (“ EMS ”) throughout the Company.

The Company’s EMS is based on ISO 14001:2015. Airbus was the first aircraft manufacturer to be ISO 14001 certified, and continues to show its commitment by having been recertified to ISO 14001: 2015 in November 2019, and confirmed by a certification surveillance audit in 2020. Airbus also monitors environmental regulatory developments to understand, evaluate and prepare for legal and regulatory evolutions applicable to its activities and products. Disclosure of environmental indicators The Company actively monitors its environmental data throughout the organisation in order to measure the environmental impact of its site operations, track its performance and communicate information on environmental matters to internal and external stakeholders. Since 2010, the Company has published environmental data verified by external auditors. Below is a selection of externally reviewed environmental indicators.


Airbus / Registration Document 2020

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