AIRBUS - 2020 Universal Registration Document

1. Information on the Company’s Activities / 1.1 Presentation of the Company

Organisation of the Company’s Businesses

aerodynamic configurations in order to support the Company’s ambition of leading the way in bringing the lowest possible climate impact solutions to the aviation industry. Beyond the aircraft itself, in order to tackle these challenges, airports will also require significant hydrogen transport and refuelling infrastructure to meet the needs of day-to-day operations. The Company’s ambition is to enter into commercial service the first zero-emission aircraft by 2035. 4.2 Build our Business on the Foundation of Safety Safety cannot be compromised. That’s why the number one priority for the Company is safeguarding those who interact with its services and everyone (and everything) that ies aboard or interacts with one of its products. To this end, the Company tackles the product safety approach end to end, and the Company aims to exceed industry standards, focus on safety enhancements in its product line, and support the safe operation of all its products. As for employee health and safety, the Company aims to permanently and sustainably transform the way the Company thinks and acts in regards to health and safety in the workplace. For the Company it’s about more than preventing occupational accidents, and it applies to everyone impacted by the business. Beyond product and people safety, the Company supports national customers with solutions in their role of guaranteeing safety to their overall populations. 4.3 Respect Human Rights and Foster Inclusion The Company’s respect for human rights is an essential part of responsible business conduct in its business activities and throughout the value chain. The Company believes that everyone who works either for or with the Company contributes to its continued innovation, creativity, and business success. Therefore, it’s imperative that the Company fosters empowerment, collaborative working, inclusiveness and diversity to enable a workplace to which people can bring their best selves. The Company ensures that its employees have access to a wealth of education and employee mobility opportunities to grow their skills because the Company strongly believes a more-educated workforce is a more-empowered workforce. 4.4 Exemplify Business Integrity As the Company’s operations span across more than 100 countries, it has a clear obligation to act in conformity to laws and regulations wherever the Company is in the world. The Company conducts its business ethically, based on its values, and not only in compliance with laws and regulations. Furthermore, the Company strives for a culture of integrity in its people, partners and suppliers. In an ef for t to improve accountabi l ity, the Company is strengthening its current compliance programmes and with the intention to become a benchmark in this area. To this end, the Company has established a dedicated Ethics & Compliance programme and organisation, ensuring that ethical and compliant behaviour is deeply embedded throughout the Company, supported by clear Code of Conduct and Integrity Principles. The Company has an enhanced anti-corruption policy and has conducted more than 160,000 awareness training in the past three years alone.

TheCompany has organised its businesses into the following three operating segments: (i) Airbus, (ii) Helicopters and (iii) Defence and Space. The chart set out in “– General Description of the Company and its Share Capital – 3.3.6 Simplified Group Structure Chart” illustrates the allocation of activities. Airbus (Commercial Aircraft) Airbus is one of the world’s leading aircraft manufacturers of passenger and freighter aircraft and related services. In 2020, Ai rbus del ivered 566 ai rcraf t (compared to 863 del iver ies in 2019) and received 383 gross orders (compared to 1,131 gross orders in 2019). After accounting for cancellations, net order intake for 2020 was 268 aircraft (compared to 768 aircraft in 2019). As of 31 December 2020, Airbus’s backlog of commercial orders was 7,184 aircraf t (compared to 7,482 aircraft in 2019). In 2020, Airbus (Commercial Aircraft) recorded total revenues of €34.25 billion – representing 67% of the Company’s revenues. See “– 1.1.2 Airbus”. Helicopters Airbus Helicopters is a global leader in the civil and military rotorcraft market, offering one of the most complete and modern ranges of helicopters and related services. This product range currently includes light single-engine, light twin-engine, medium and medium-heavy rotorcraft, which are adaptable to all kinds of mission types based on customer needs. Airbus Hel icopters del ivered 300 hel icopters in 2020 (332 in 2019) and received 268 net orders in 2020 (compared to 310 net orders in 2019). Order intake amounted to €5.52 billion (2019: €7.18 billion). Military contracts accounted for 59% of this order volume, with civil sales representing the remaining 41%. At the end of 2020, Airbus Helicopters order book stood at 663 helicopters (2019: 695 helicopters). In 2020, Airbus Hel icopters recorded total revenues of € 6.25 billion, representing 12% of the Company’s revenues. See “– 1.1.3 Helicopters”. Defence and Space Airbus Defence and Space is Europe’s number one defence and space enterprise, one of the world’s leading space companies and among the top 10 global defence enterprises. Defence and Space puts a strong focus on core businesses: space, military aircraft, missiles and related systems and services. Airbus Defence and Space is organised in four Programme Lines: Military Aircraft; Space Systems; Connected Intelligence and Unmanned Aerial Systems. Airbus Defence and Space develops, produces and maintains cutting-edge products, systems and services, enabling governments, institutions and commercial customers to protect people and resources. In 2020, Airbus Defence and Space recorded total revenues of €10.4 billion, representing 21% of the Company’s revenues. See “– 1.1.4 Defence and Space”.


Airbus / Registration Document 2020

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