AIRBUS - 2020 Universal Registration Document

5. General Information / 5.1 Entity Responsible for the Universal Registration Document

5.1 Entity Responsible for

the Universal Registration Document

Airbus SE

5.2 Statement of the Entity Responsible for the Universal Registration Document

The Company declares that, having taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case, the information contained in the document is, to the best of the Company’s knowledge, in accordance with the facts and contains no omission likely to affect its import. The legal person responsible for the information in the Universal Registration Document is Airbus SE. The registered office of Airbus SE is Mendelweg 30, 2333 CS Leiden, The Netherlands. Airbus SE represented by: Guillaume Faury Chief Executive Officer

5.3 Information Policy

– – Contact details for information: Mr Thorsten Fischer Head of Investor Relations and Financial Communication, Airbus SE 2 rond-point Émilie Dewoitine BP 90112 31703 Blagnac France Telephone: +33 5 82 05 53 01 E-mail: – – Special toll-free hotlines are available to shareholders in France (0 800 01 2001), Germany (00 800 00 02 2002) and Spain (00 800 00 02 2002). An international number is also available for the rest of the world (+33 800 01 2001). – – An e-mail box is dedicated to shareholders’ messages: . A website, , provides a wide range of information on the Company, including the Board of Directors’ report. Additionally, for the life of this Registration Document, copies of: – – the Company’s Articles of Association;

– – the Registration Document filed in English with, and approved by, the AFM on 28 March 2018; – – the Registration Document filed in English with, and approved by, the AFM on 29 July 2019; – – the Registration Document filed in English with the AFM without prior approval on 23 March 2020; and

– – the Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS) and the Company Financial Statements of Airbus SE for the years ended 31 December 2018, 2019 and 2020, together with the related Auditors’ reports, may be inspected at the Company’s registered office at: Airbus SE, Mendelweg 30, 2333 CS Leiden, the Netherlands, Seat (statutaire zetel) Amsterdam, Tel.: +31 (0)71 5245 600. The information on the website of the Company has not been scrutinised or approved by the competent authority and does not form part of the Registration Document unless that information is incorporated by reference into the Registration Document.


Airbus / Registration Document 2020

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