AIRBUS - 2020 Universal Registration Document

4. Corporate Governance / 4.2 Interests of Directors and Principal Executive Officers

– – Continuous transparent information sharing to the Board of Directors, Executives and more generally all employees about the Company’s situation (including financial and operation status as well as the Health & Safety status of the workforce), that proved to be of real support in terms of giving direction and meaning to ensure continuous engagement in an unprecedented crisis, – – Setting the tone at the top by promoting a strengthened approach to Ethics, Compliance and Sustainability throughout the Company: — —making Responsibility & Sustainability central to the Company’s Priorities, including making sustainability part of the collective component of the Executives’ variable remuneration and formally adding such focus and responsibility into the remit of the former Ethics & Compliance Committee, — —despite the tremendous business, financial and organisational challenges faced, the Ethics & Compliance programme and Airbus’s corporate culture proved resilient during the COVID-19 crisis. In addition, significant progress was made on the design of the export control programme and for the anti-bribery and corruption aspects focus was made on further maturity, digitalisation, and integration of compliance measures into existing Company, — —development of a new I&D strategy tied to the Company’s objectives; – – Refocusing of the Airbus Foundation to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic by prioritising the support for humanitarian actions of its NGO partners, transporting medical supplies in addition to organising aid transports and providing satellite imagery following devastating oods and hurricanes around the world.

d) Long-Term Incentive Plan 2020 Grant

Under the Company’s Remuneration Policy, the CEO is eligible to receive a Performance Units and Performance Shares award under the Company’s LTIP. The value of the Performance Unit and Share award is capped at 100% of the Base Salary at the date of grant. During 2020, the CEO was granted an aggregate of 19,840 of Performance Units and Performance Shares. The LTIP awards during 2020, in line with the Remuneration Policy ( item b)), represent one third of the CEO’s target Total Direct Compensation. The table below gives an overview of the Performance Units and Performance Shares granted to the CEO in 2020 pursuant to the LTIP:


Granted in 2020

Vesting dates

Guillaume Faury


Vesting schedule is made up of two tranches over two years: (i) 50% expected in May 2024; (ii) 50% expected in May 2025.


Granted in 2020

Vesting dates

Guillaume Faury


Vesting schedule is made up of one tranche: (i) 100% expected in May 2024.

The grants in 2020 were performed in compliance with the performance measures (average EPS (75%) and cumulative FCF (25%)) described in paragraph item e). Vesting Values in 2020 In 2020, the CEO received both cash payments and vested shares in connection with the vesting of 2015 and 2016 LTIP awards: – – Cash: the total cash payment to the CEO amounted to €287,186 in 2020. – – Shares: – – in connection with the 2015 LTIP award, the CEO had elected that 25% of his grant should be deferred into shares. Therefore, the CEO received 1,998 vested shares on the second vesting date for LTIP 2015 (2 June 2020), – – in connection with the 2016 LTIP award, the CEO had elected that 25% of his grant should be deferred into shares. Therefore, the CEO received 4,272 vested shares on 7 May 2020.


Airbus / Registration Document 2020

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