AIRBUS - 2020 Universal Registration Document

4. Corporate Governance / 4.2 Interests of Directors and Principal Executive Officers

For the reasons indicated in the Board Report issued in 2020, the impact of the penalties resulting from the settlements reached in January 2020, with the PNF, SFO, and the DoJ resolving the authorities’ investigations have not been considered in the assessment of the 2019 Variable Remuneration, and will not be considered in the assessment of the ongoing and future incentive plans. The CEO’s remuneration for the year 2020 has been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis (including the impact on the Variable Remuneration, as further detailed below as any employee having a Common Collective Component in her/his Variable Remuneration, and the absence of dividend payments in relation to Airbus SE shares as any other shareholder) without need for adaptation of the Remuneration Policy due to the exceptional circumstances, as confirmed by the Board of Directors upon recommendation of the RNGC. It has proved to be in line with the experience of the stakeholders. Furthermore, the CEO decided to donate the equivalent of his 2019 Annual Variable Remuneration paid in 2020 to non-governmental organisations (“ NGOs ”) and humanitarian organisations, predominantly the partners of the Airbus Foundation and the Airbus Foundation itself. a) Benchmarking The latest benchmarks performed in the last years were based on the relevant peer group composed of 76 companies (1) selected from CAC40 in France, DAX 30 in Germany, FTSE 100 in the UK and DJ 30 in the US as well as large European companies having comparable economic indicators such as revenues, number of employees and market capitalisation. Financial institutions were excluded from the peer group. Based on a review performed by the RNGC in the last years with the assistance of an independent consultant, Willis Towers Watson, it was concluded that the CEO’s Total Direct Compensation was at the median level of the peer group as defined in paragraph item b) above. In addition to external benchmark, the RNGC considers also the remuneration of employees through the review of the evolution of the pay-ratio (see item j)).

Non-Executive Directors do not receive any performance or equity- related compensation, and do not accrue pension rights with the Company in the frame of their mandate, except what they would receive in the frame of a current or past executive mandate. These measures are designed to ensure the independence of Board Members and strengthen the overall effectiveness of the Company’s corporate governance. The Company does not encourage Non-Executive Directors to purchase Airbus SE shares. The Company does not provide loans or advances to the Non- Executive Directors. Unless the law provides otherwise, the Non-Executive Directors shall be reimbursed by the Company for various costs and expenses, including reasonable costs of defending claims. Under certain circumstances, such as an act or failure to act by a Member of the Board of Directors that can be characterised as intentional, intentionally reckless, or seriously culpable, there will be no entitlement to this reimbursement. Remuneration Policy in 2020: CEO This paragraph describes how the Remuneration Policy was implemented in 2020 with respect to the CEO (Mr Guillaume Faury). As a reminder, the AGM held in 2020 approved the Remuneration Policy through resolution 6 with a very high level of support. In line with the Remuneration Policy and the expectation of the RNGC and the Board of Directors, the policy is intended to result in a remuneration that will retain and motivate a high- calibre executive, while taking into account best practices as well as employee and shareholder considerations. It should help to ensure that the Company achieves its strategic and operational objectives, thereby delivering long-term sustainable returns for all shareholders and other stakeholders in a manner consistent with the Company’s identity, mission and corporate values. Implementation of the


b) Base Salary The CEO’s Base Salary level on a full year basis is unchanged compared to 2019 and amounts to €1,350,000 (lowered from the Base Salary of the former CEO: €1,500,000).

(1) France: Air Liquide, Michelin, PSA, Renault, Saint-Gobain, Sanofi, Schneider Electric. Germany: BASF SE, Bayer Aktiengesellschaft Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft, Daimler AG, Deutsche Lufthansa, Deutsche Post AG, Deutsche

Telekom AG, E.ON SE, Henkel AG & Co., RWE Aktiengesellschaft, Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, Thyssen Krupp AG. UK: Anglo American, BP, GlaxoSmithKline, Glencore, Imperial Tobacco, Rio Tinto, Rolls-Royce, Royal Dutch Shell, Unilever. Spain: Acciona, Amadeus, Dia, Enagás, Endesa, Ferrovial, IAG, Meliá Hotels, Naturgy (Gas Natural Fenosa), Repsol, Telefónica.

US : Alcoa, Altria, American International Group, Amgen, AT&T, Bechtel Nuclear, Security & Environmental, Best Buy, Cisco Systems, Coca-Cola, Colgate-Palmolive, Comcast, CVS Health, DuPont, GE Aviation, GE Healthcare, General Dynamics, General Motors, Hewlett-Packard, Honeywell, IBM, Ingersoll Rand, Intel, Johnson & Johnson Kimberly- Clark, L3 Technologies, Lockheed Martin, McDonald’s, Microsoft, Northrop Grumman, Target, United Technologies, Wal-Mart, Walt Disney.


Airbus / Registration Document 2020

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