AIRBUS - 2020 Universal Registration Document

4. Corporate Governance / 4.1 Management and Control


CURRICULUM VITAE Lord Drayson graduated as an engineer and finished his PhD in 1985 at Aston University. In 1987 he became Managing Director of The Lambourn Food Company Limited, a subsidiary of the Trebor Group and after a management buy-out of the Company in 1989, completed its sale to a third party in 1991. The same year, he founded Genisys Development Limited, a consultancy company for new products development and management. In 1993, he co-founded PowderJect Pharmaceuticals Plc and led its business as Chairman and CEO until it was sold to Chiron Corporation, a US company, in 2003. He co-founded Drayson Racing Technologies LLP in 2007 and in 2014 he set up Drayson Technologies Ltd (currently named Sensyne Health Holdings Ltd), an Internet of Things platform company of which he currently is the co-founder and Chairman, and which subsequently led to the spin-out of Sensyne Health plc of which he is currently Founder and CEO. Lord Drayson was also elected Chairman of the UK BioIndustry Association in 2001 and was appointed to the House of Lords and a Member of the Science and Technology Committee of the House of Lords in 2004. He was then appointed Parliamentary under Secretary of State for Defence Procurement in 2005 and became Minister of State for Defence Equipment & Support in 2006 and Minister of State for Science & Innovation in 2008.

60 years old Director since 2017, Re-elected in 2020 Independent

CURRENT MANDATES --Member of the Board of Directors of Airbus SE; --Founder and CEO of Sensyne Health plc; --Chairman and CEO of Sensyne Health Holdings Ltd; --Chairman of Drayson Holdco 2 Ltd; --Co-founder and Trustee of the Drayson Foundation; --Science Entrepreneur in Residence of Magdalen College, Oxford; --Supernumerary Fellow of St. John’s College, Oxford; --Member of Her Majesty’s Privy Council; --Member of House of Lords; --Honorary Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences.

FORMER MANDATES FOR THE LAST FIVE YEARS --Member of Project of the “Oxfordshire Innovation Engine” Project (until February 2018); --Trustee and External Member of Council at University of Oxford (until December 2017); --Chairman of the Executive Committee at OUC (Oxford University Clinic) Centres of Excellence LLP (until December 2017); --Non-Executive Director and Board Member of the Royal Navy (until November 2017).


Airbus / Registration Document 2020

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