AIRBUS - 2020 Financial Statement

2. Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements / 2.6 Employees Costs and Benefits

Share-Based Remuneration (“LTIP Award”) The share-based payment expenses result from not yet forfeited units and shares granted to the Executive Committee Members under the Company’s LTIP which are re-measured at fair value according to the methodology described in Note 33. In 2020, the Members of the Executive Committee were granted 50,814 Performance Units (2019: 30,168) and 50,814 Performance Shares (2019: 30,168). For LTIP 2020, the respective fair value of these Performance Units and Shares at grant date was €7.6 million (2019: €7.7 million). As of 31 December 2020, provisions of €5.0 million (2019: €15.4 million) relating to LTIP have been recognised. The total number of outstanding Performance Units and Performance Shares granted to the current Members of the Executive Committee amounted to 133,966 and 126,442 respectively at 31 December 2020 (2019: 134,398 Performance Units and 119,340 Performance Shares). Until and including the plan 2015, based on the intention of the Board of Directors to increase the long-term commitment of Executive Committee Members to the success of the Company, the Board has authorised the Executive Committee Members to opt for partial conversion of the otherwise cash-settled LTIPs into share-settled plans at each grant date of any new LTIP, requiring a minimum conversion rate into equity settlement of 25% of total granted Performance Units. At the conversion date, each Executive Committee Member individually determined the split of equity and cash settlement for the formerly granted LTIP. After overall performance assessment of each of the plans, the vesting dates as determined at the initial grant date apply to all cash-settled Performance Units. However, units converted into equity settlement only vest at the last of the vesting dates of the respective plan. Performance Units granted to Executive Committee Members until 31 December 2015 and vested in 2020 are summarised below:

LTIP 2015

Total number of units granted


Number of cash-settled units


Number of equity-settled units


Date of conversion

28 February 2016

Share price at date of conversion


Termination Benefits The following benefits apply to Executive Committee Members, except the CEO. In the case of contract termination, the Executive Committee Members are entitled to an indemnity equal to 1.5 times the Total Target Remuneration (defined as Base Salary and target Annual Variable Remuneration) with respect to applicable local legal requirements, if any. This will not apply if the Executive Committee mandate is terminated for cause, in case of dismissal, if the Executive Committee Member resigns or has reached retirement age. The Executive Committee Members’ contract includes a non- compete clause which applies for a minimum of one year and can be extended at the Company’s initiative for a further year. The Board of Directors has the discretion to waive or invoke the extension of the non-compete clause when legally or contractually possible. The compensation for each year that the non-compete clause applies is equal to 50% of the last

Total Annual Remuneration (defined as Base Salary and Annual Variable Remuneration most recently paid) with respect to applicable local legal requirements, if any. Past LTIP awards may be maintained in full or prorated, in such cases as in case of retirement or if a mandate is not renewed by the Company without cause, prorata being based on the presence in the Company during performance periods. The vesting of past LTIP awards follows the plans’ rules and regulations and is not accelerated in any case. LTIP awards are forfeited for Executives who leave the Company on their own initiative, but this is subject to review by the Board of Directors. The termination benefits include assumptions about all effective, known or planned terminations to date. Other Benefits Other benefits include expenses for Executive Committee Members’ medical, death and disability coverage, company car and other usual facilities as applicable.


Airbus / Financial Statements 2020

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