AFD - Universal Registration Document 2020

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 3 Report on corporate governance Presentation of the draft resolutions relating to the principles and criteria for determining, allocating and distributing the fixed, variable and exceptional items comprising the total remuneration and benefits of all kinds attributable to the Chairman, Chief Executive Officers, Deputy Chief Executive Officers, because of their mandate (Article L. 225-37-2 of the French Commercial Code). Not applicable in the absence of variable remuneration for the executives of the public institution. Agreements entered into, directly or by proxy, between, firstly, a corporate officer or a shareholder holding over 10% of a company’s voting rights and, secondly, another company in which the former owns, directly or indirectly, more than half of the capital, with the exception of agreements relating to current transactions and entered into under normal conditions

Name of the convention Additional information Agreements and commitments approved in previous financial years which continued to be performed WITH SOGEFOM Service agreement entered into between AFD and Sogefom Remuneration for AFD in 2020: €2,002K WITH SODERAG Cessation of interest on advances to current accounts n/a Provision of non-interest bearing shareholder advances to Soderag At 31 Ǿ December 2020, Soderag’s debt to AFD (under agreements signed between 97 and 2005): €106,346K (excluding interest) WITH THE THREE DEPARTMENTAL CREDIT COMPANIES (SDCS)

P Loans outstanding at 31 Ǿ December 2020: SODEMA: €9,500K SODEGA: €12,710K SOFIDEG: €534K P Remuneration received by AFD in 2020

Agreements relating to the refinancing and guaranteeing of the customer loan portfolios taken over from Soderag by the three SDCs

SODEMA: €44K SODEGA: €132K SOFIDEG: €0K P The credit risk supported by AFD is covered by a provision of €19,854K at 31/12/2020, i.e. a net reversal of €257K.


At 31 Ǿ December 2020, the outstanding loans granted by AFD stood at €25M FONDDRI loan agreement WITH PROPARCO Co-financing framework agreement between Proparco and AFD Declared by Proparco in regulated agreements. No impact in 2020. Agreement to manage AFD’s contribution to the African Agriculture Fund of 18 Ǿ December 2014 Declared by Proparco in regulated agreements. €97K in commissions paid in 2020. AFD/Proparco service agreement modified by an amendment signed on 1 August 2019 Declared by Proparco in regulated agreement AFD remuneration in 2020: €63,222K. Mandate agreement relating to the “transforming financial systems for the climate” (TFSC) programme Declared by Proparco in regulated agreements. No impact in 2020. WITH THE EIB Agreement for the deployment of “Junker Plan 1” in French Overseas Departments. WITH THE NGOS Coordination SUD - Financing of the FRIO facility (2016-2017 financial year) Maximum amount of €584K. All the grant was paid in 2019. Coordination SUD - Financing Agreement Grant of €65K. All the grant was paid in 2019.



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