AFD - Universal Registration Document 2020

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 3 Report on corporate governance

3.1 Report on corporate governance

3.1.1 Separation of the functions of Ǿ Chairman and Chief Executive Ǿ Of fi cer

This report on corporate governance was prepared by the Board of Directors pursuant to the last paragraph of Article Ǿ L. Ǿ 225-37 of the French Commercial Code as amended by Order No 2017- 1162 of 12 Ǿ July 2017.

In accordance with the transposition of the European Parliament and Council directive 2013/36/EU of 26 Ǿ June 2013 (“CRD Ǿ IV”) by Order No 2014-158 of 20 Ǿ February 2014, by Decree No 2014- 1315 of 3 Ǿ November 2014 and by Decree No 2014-1316 of 3 Ǿ November 2014, AFD, as a financing company, separates the functions of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

At 31 Ǿ December 2020, Senior Management (1) was as follows:

AFD position appointment

Other mandates and positions


Chief Executive Officer (CEO) For 3 Ǿ years, decree published on 29 Ǿ May 2019 Chief Operating Officer Indefinite term, memorandum of instruction AFD/DGL NI – 2016-67 of 6 Ǿ July 2016 Deputy Chief Executive Officer NI – 2019-16 AFD/DRH of 21 Ǿ February 2019

Director, Chairman of the Proparco Board of Directors Chairman of the IDFC Club

Philippe BAUDUIN

Director of Proparco Director of Fisea Director of the Société Immobilière de Nouvelle-Calédonie Proparco: Director, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors Chairman of the Investment Advisory Committee Chairman of the Proparco Appointments Committee Fisea: Permanent representative of AFD, shareholder, director, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chairman of Fisea BPIfrance financement: Permanent representative of AFD on the Board of Directors as a non-voting member Expertise France: AFD representative on the Expertise France Board of Directors of as an observer ACPR: Executive officer at the ACPR CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER: PHILIPPE BAUDUIN Recruited to the Caisse Centrale de Coopération Économique in 1983, Philippe Bauduin was assigned as an officer to the Papeete agency. In 1987, he joined the French Guiana Development Finance Company (Sofideg), a subsidiary of the Caisse centrale as head of the department for business and home loans. His career continued with two postings by the Caisse Française de Développement (former CCCE) to Africa. Firstly, he was adviser to the Chief Executive Officer of the National Bank of Economic Development of Burundi in Bujumbura from 1992 to 1995. He subsequently served as Secretary General of the Guarantee Fund for Private Investment in West Africa at the West African Development Bank in Lomé from 1995 to 1998. He set up and organised this fund to support credit institutions in the 18 Ǿ member countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).


CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER: RÉMY RIOUX A Senior Member of the Auditor General’s Department, Rémy Rioux has held positions in France in the service of development and of Africa. As Director of the Office of the French Minister of the Economy, Finance and External Trade from 2012 to 2014, he took part in the work to consolidate the public accounts and on the competitiveness of the French economy. In 2014, hewas appointed Deputy General Secretary at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development. He was at the heart of economic diplomacy policy. He also coordinated the “finance” agenda for the French presidency of COP21 up to the final negotiation of the Paris Agreement on climate change. In June Ǿ 2016, he assumed the management of the Agence Française de Développement.

(1) The Chief Executive Officer, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Associate Chief Executive Officer are executive officers according to Article Ǿ L. Ǿ 511-13 of the French Monetary and Financial Code.



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