AFD - Universal Registration Document 2020

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Appendix 10 – Statement of Non-Financial Performance appendices

Scheduling of working hours For head office employees (recruited in Paris), and since the agreement on the scheduling and reduction of working hours was signed on 30 Ǿ June 2000, the number of annual working hours has been: P 1,575 Ǿ hours for employees whose working time is expressed in hours; P 206 Ǿ days for employees whose working time is expressed in days. Absenteeism In mainland France in 2020, 16,804 Ǿ days were lost to illness for head office employees on permanent (CDI) and fixed-term (CDD) contracts (of which 300 Ǿ days for CDD employees), which equates to an absenteeism rate of 2.51%. Occupational accidents, including their frequency and severity, and occupational illnesses There were 10 Ǿ work- or travel-related accidents requiring time off in mainland France in 2020 (12 in 2019), with 214 Ǿ days lost to accidents over the year (424 in 2019).

The frequency rate was 3.4 (4.4 in 2019) and the severity rate 0.07 (0.16 in 2019). AFD Group could find no occupational illness contracted within the organisation. Measures taken to promote equality between men and women

P Recruitment: 57.7% of women hired. P Women in supervisory positions: 53.2%. P Women in managerial positions: 47.6%. P Women in the network: 39%. P Population: Group head office. Measures taken to promote the employment and Ǿ integration of disabled people

P The number of people employed in 2020 who are recognised as disabled workers was 63, including 40 Ǿ women and 23 Ǿ men, compared with 54 in 2019 (32 Ǿ women and 22 Ǿ men). P The number of employees recognised as disabled workers who were hired in 2020 is 2 Ǿ compared with 7 in 2019, including 5 Ǿ men and 2 Ǿ women.

9.14.3 Statement of Non-Financial Performance Appendix Ǿ 3: Grenelle Ǿ II Law indicators Ǿ – Environmental information

Indicator and scope

2020 value

Pollution and waste management Waste production (scope: Head Office): Total production

90.12 Ǿ t/year

of which paper/cardboard

39.6 Ǿ t

Per employee

51.4 Ǿ kg/employee

Sustainable use of resources Water consumption (scope: AFD Paris head office)

9,007 m 3 /year

Raw materials consumption (scope: Head office, excluding service providers) P Total paper consumption

10 Ǿ t/year

P Paper consumption per employee

5.7 Ǿ kg/employee 6,153 Ǿ MWh/year

P Energy consumption SHON (1) AFD (head office and Proparco)

(1) Net floor area (excluding technical rooms).




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