AFD - Universal Registration Document 2020


Appendix 9 – Note on the Statement of Non-Financial Performance methodology

P Methodology for calculating ex-ante performance indicators Ex-ante or expected indicators present expected outcomes at the time of the ex-ante appraisal of the project. They are, therefore, given before project funding is granted and are aggregated per year of grant. Ex-ante estimates are defined at the end of the project identification and ex-ante evaluation phase. The project manager estimates the expected results with the support of the Agency and the counterparty. Actual data is collected on an annual basis as soon as the project begins to deliver results. Project managers mobilise their contacts in the branch and within the counterparties and/or local project managers to collect the necessary data (reporting, supervision mission checklist, technical implementation report, other elements of the monitoring-evaluation system, Ǿ etc.). All data is entered and stored in AFD’s information system.

Some of the ex-ante indicators are prescribed by Law no. Ǿ 2014- 773 of 7 Ǿ July 2014 on the orientation and programming of development policy and international solidarity, known as LOPDSI (list of indicators in Annex Ǿ 2 of the said law (1) ) . The other indicators, not provided for by law, are put in place to monitor sector strategies and action plans in a more targeted manner. They are regularly updated in order to align them with our areas of intervention and priorities and to better capture the achievements of our projects. This may result in changes to the indicators or their titles. The AFD Group makes available the methodological notes corresponding to the preparation of these indicators.

P Correspondence of the CICID sectors between the 2019 and 2020 financial years

CICID Sector 2019

CICID Sector 2020

Agriculture and food safety

Agriculture and food safety

Water and drainage

Water and drainage



Environment and natural resources

Agriculture and food safety Environment and natural resources *

Infrastructure and urban development Crises and vulnerabilities

Urban development and management Energy Governance Infrastructure and miscellaneous social services Transport


Healthcare Health/AIDS

Business, industry and trade

Other Business, Industry and Trade Transport French Overseas Departments and Collectivities (excluding accounting)


Other Crises and vulnerabilities Governance Infrastructure and miscellaneous social services


Title changed to “Climate and Environment”.




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