AFD - Universal Registration Document 2020


Minority interests: P Non-controlling interests are immaterial with regard to the Group’s financial statements, either separately or cumulatively.



% of control and vote held by minority interests

Share of equity (including income) 150,244

% of control and vote held by minority interests

Share of equity (including income)

Share of net income

Share of net income

In thousands of euros


21.81% -24,592




Other subsidiaries






-24,967 154,952 38,077 6,122,494

9,679 203,950 172,439 6,105,877

P Fisea (Investment and Support Fund for Businesses in Africa) was created in April Ǿ 2009. This simplified joint-stock company with a share capital of €227M is wholly owned by AFD. It is managed by Proparco. Equity method Companies over which AFD has significant influence are accounted for by the equity method. Significant influence means the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the subsidiary but without having control over them. It is usually evidenced by (i) Ǿ representation on the executive or supervisory bodies, (ii) Ǿ participation in policy- making processes, or (iii) Ǿ material transactions between the companies. At 31 Ǿ December Ǿ 2020, this method was used for two companies in which AFD directly or indirectly holds a stake of between 20% and 50% and over which significant influence may be proven: la Société immobilière de Nouvelle Calédonie (SIC) and Socredo. The consolidation method consists of measuring interest by using the company’s net position and calculating a share of its restated income according to the stake held in its share capital. Comments on other companies AFD also has equity investments in a number of companies over whosemanagement it has no significant influence. Through their equity investments, either directly or through investment funds, and through their lending activities, the AFD Group subsidiaries aim to contribute to the economic and social development of disadvantaged regions. In no case will the acquisition of control of the entities be pursued. These companies are not consolidated, either globally or using the equity method, with regard to the normative analyses carried out by the Group on the notion of control and materiality. They are recorded under “Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss” or “Financial assets at fair value through shareholders’ equity”. Restatement of transactions Account balances on the balance sheet, transactions and income and expenses resulting from intragroup transactions are eliminated when the consolidated financial statements are drawn up. Gains arising from transactions with equity- accounted entities are eliminated by offsetting equity method investments to the extent of the Group’s interest in the entity. Losses are eliminated in the same manner but only when they do not represent an impairment loss.

Interests in joint arrangements and associates have a negligible impact on the financial statements of AFD Group. Consolidation principles and methods The following consolidation methods are used: Full consolidation This method applies to subsidiaries over which AFD has exclusive control. Such exclusive control is determined by the power to govern the financial and operating policies of the subsidiary. It is evidenced by (i) Ǿ holding, directly or indirectly, most of the voting power of the subsidiary, (ii) Ǿ holding the power to appoint or remove members of the executive, administrative or supervisory bodies of the subsidiary or (iii) Ǿ having significant influence over the subsidiary under the statutes in force. This consolidation method consists of including all accounts, line item by line item, both on and off AFD’s balance sheet, while reporting the claims of “minority shareholders”. The same process is used for income statements. The following four companies are consolidated: P the Société de Promotion et de Participation pour la Coopération Économique (Proparco), created in 1977. Proparco’s status change from a credit institution to a finance company became effective on 25 Ǿ May 2016 on receipt of notification from the ECB. At 31 Ǿ December Ǿ 2020, the company’s share capital totalled €984M and AFD’s stake was 78.19%; P the Société de développement régional Antilles-Guyane (Soderag), of which AFD took control in 1995 at the behest of the French State, was liquidated in 1998 after it lost its licence to operate as a credit institution. At 31 Ǿ December Ǿ 2020, the company’s share capital amounted to €5.6M. It is 100% owned by AFD; P the Société de gestion des fonds de garantie Outremer (Sogefom), whose shares AFD purchased, and which were held by the Institut d’émission d’Outre-mer (IEOM), on 12 Ǿ August 2003, following the request from the Minister for the Economy, Finance and Industry and the Minister for French Overseas Departments and Collectivities. At 31 Ǿ December Ǿ 2020, the company’s share capital amounted to €1.1M. It is 58.69% owned by AFD;



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