AFD // 2021 Universal Registration Document

CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Statutory auditors’ special report on related-party agreements

Agreement on the programme “Transforming Financial Systems for Climate” (TFSC) At the Board of Directors meeting of 28 September 2018, the Board of Directors authorised the principles relating to the Subsidiary Agreement between your Agency and PROPARCO in the framework of the “Transforming Financial System for Climate” programme. This programme is intended for public and private financial institutions wishing to carry out financing with an impact on the climate. The agreement formalizes the key role that will be entrusted to your Agency in the deployment of the programme to private financial institutions. This agreement was signed on 14 October 2019, for a period of 13 years, which may be tacitly renewed for 2 successive periods of 5 years. The financial impact recorded by AFD under this agreement during the 2021 financial year amounts to 886 thousand euros. Agreements approved in prior years that were not implemented during the year In addition, we were informed of the following agreements, approved by the Board of Directors in previous years, which were not implemented during the year. With the european investment bank Risk sharing framework agreement with the EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK On 22 December 2016, AFD signed a risk sharing framework agreement with the European Investment Bank (EIB). Through this, the EIB shares risk up to a maximum amount of €150M for projects included in the portfolio of eligible projects. These are projects for which a confirmation of participation has been signed by AFD and the EIB. In the event of payment default, AFD may send notification to the EIB indicating the amount and the nature of the unpaid sums, their due date and the amount of the EIB’s share of these sums. Up to the threshold of its available participation commitment, the EIB is committed irrevocably to paying AFD within a period of 60 days following receipt of the notification, an amount corresponding to its percentage share. In exchange for the EIB’s risk sharing commitment, AFD will pay the EIB a risk sharing commission calculated for each project. Should a project default, no participation commission will be payable from AFD to the EIB. The EIB’s risk sharing benefits from a European Union guarantee in respect of the European Fund for Strategic Investments. Cessation of interest on advances to shareholder current accounts In 1997, 1998 and 1999, AFD granted SODERAG interest-bearing current account advances in the amount of €47M. These advances were intended to reinforce SODERAG’s capital. Because of SODERAG’s irremediably compromised position since it went into voluntary liquidation in 1998, and given AFD’s status as sole shareholder, on 5 July 2001 AFD’s Supervisory Board authorised the cessation of interest on all of its shareholder current account advances. Provision of non-interest bearing shareholder advances to SODERAG Between 1999 and 2005, AFD provided its subsidiary with additional non-interest-bearing current account advances to SODERAG so that its liquidation could continue. At 31 December 2021, SODERAG’S debt to AFD under agreements signed between 1997 and 2005 amounted to €106,346,000. With la fondation pour les etudes et recherches sur le developpement international (ferdi) et la fondation de recherche pour le developpement durable et les relations internationales (fonddri) Lending agreements Under two agreements signed with FERDI and FONDDRI, respectively, AFD undertook in 2000 to grant an interest-free loan of €12,500K This agreement was approved by the Board of Directors on 15 December 2016. With the societe de developpement regional antilles guyane (soderag)


to each foundation, repayable in one instalment after 15 years. Loan outstanding amounted to €25,000K at 31 December 2021. AFD received no remuneration under these agreements in 2021.

The auditors,

Paris La Défense, April 15, 2022

Paris, April 15, 2022

BDO Arnaud Naudan Partner

KPMG ɸ SA Valéry Foussé Partner



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