AFD // 2021 Universal Registration Document

PRESENTATION OF AFD AFD Group’s 2018-2022 strategy

1.1.3 Current breakdown of share capital and voting rights (not applicable) 1.1.4 AFD’s securities market (not applicable) 1.1.5 Dividends Pursuant to Article ɸ 79 of the amending Finance Law No. ɸ 2001 1276 of 28 ɸ December 2001 (amended by Article ɸ 88 of the

amending Finance Law for 2003 No. ɸ 2003-1312 of 30 ɸ December 2003), a dividend may be paid to the French State. The dividend is deducted as a priority from the distributable profit for the financial year, under the meaning of Article ɸ L.232-11 of the French Commercial Code. It may be deducted from the available reserves. The capital allocations received by AFD do not give rise to remuneration. After examining AFD’s financial position and ascertaining the existence of distributable amounts, on the basis of the report of the Board of Directors, the Minister for the Economy and the Minister for the Budget set by decree the dividend paid to the State.


1.2 AFD Group’s 2018-2022 strategy

1.2.1 AFD Group’s missions and ɸ commitments

P Partnership by design AFD’s fifth commitment is to prioritise partnership. To meet these commitments, AFD Group firmly believes in the principle whereby working on a project with a partner is always better than working on a project alone. This willingness to always embrace new players is one of the key markers of our new strategy. 1.2.2 AFD Group’s action The AFD Group’s action takes the shape of a three-lined matrix. THE GEOGRAPHICAL LINE Based on the specific needs of each territory, country or region, AFD has identified three areas for action: P “Africa”, to obtain an accurate, comprehensive picture of the whole continent; P “the Three Oceans” where France is represented through its Overseas Departments and Collectivities and seeks to boost regional momentum; P the emerging regions of the “Orients” and the “Americas” where a significant share of the issues surrounding low carbon transition and the transformation of our economic and social models are found. THE SEGMENT LINE: SIX TRANSITIONS AFD’s strategic orientations are designed to support six major transitions: demographic and social, energy, territorial and ecological, digital and technological, political and civic, and economic and financial. THE RESEARCH AND INNOVATION LINE The aim is to anticipate future development issues to help us constantly improve our projects and invent the models and orientations for future sustainable development.

The AFD Group’s main mission is to help build a shared world, a world that preserves and protects our five great global assets, namely the planet, social ties, peace, partnerships and economic prosperity. To best meet these development challenges and the ambition of the French government, AFD is implementing its strategy for the period 2018-2022. The Group has identified five structural commitments to promote global assets. P 100% Paris Agreement AFD Group’s strategy is centred around implementation of the Paris Agreement and ensuring that all its financing is compatible with low-carbon, resilient development, within the meaning of this agreement. P 100% social link The Group is committed to combating inequality and carrying out action governed by the single tenet of stronger social ties between communities and territories. Access to education and gender equality are two top priorities in this area. P 3D development thinking AFD promotes the triptych of Defence, Diplomacy and Development (the “3Ds”) andworks alongside other development players to supplement the action of humanitarian aid workers, diplomats and military personnel. A “3D vision” is a vision focused first and foremost on the prevention of armed conflict. P Priority for non-sovereign players AFD intends to reinforce the financing of non-sovereign actors in its countries of intervention: public companies, local authorities, civil society organisations, foundations, and the private and financial sectors. Their role is essential in order to direct investments towards the achievement of the sustainable development goals (SDGs).



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