AFD - 2019 Universal registration document


Activities of the Agence Française de Développement Group in 2019

Assessments AFD commissioned ex-post evaluations of the projects and programmes it finances and also broader assessments of its sector and cross-sector strategies (set out in its intervention frameworks), particular topics and/or funding instruments. It also conducts joint assessments with other departments responsible for assessing France’s development aid programmes at the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of the Economy and Finance. All strategic assessments are published but only the performance sheets of the ex-post evaluations of projects/programmes are published on the French Cooperation open data website. In 2019, AFD carried out 35 assessments. Publications In 2019, 87 publications were published bringing to more than 850 the number of publications available in the research and evaluation catalogue. They are circulated via the AFD website and also in paper format to a targeted number of people both inside and outside the organisation, notably governments, AFD partners and documentation centres. The publications are promoted in several channels: a dedicated “Studies and knowledge” newsletter, through an active social media presence (2,241 Ǿ members of the dedicated LinkedIn Group), the use of varied formats (graphics, just out, bookmarks, videos) and at conferences and at publication-related events. The development campus In 2019, the Development Campus repositioned its activity serving players and transition momentum, by mobilising resources to scale-up several structuring training modules. Six training modules benefited from this reinforced momentum, including the Master MODEV, the Lead Campus/Young Leaders and Social & Inclusive Business Camp (SIBC) programmes. This change confirms both the Campus’ operational positioning and its role as a laboratory for educational innovations serving the implementation of the AFD Group’s strategic orientation plan. 2019 saw the continuation and intensification of digitalisation. Almost 100,000 training days were dispensed thank to hybrid training and the production of MOOCs, in addition to face-to- face sessions. The production of 2 MOOCs on urban mobility in Africa and sustainable and innovative cities, as well as the contribution to a MOOC on gender and a multi-player MOOC on biodiversity were launched in 2019. Supporting/facilitating communities of players involved in change is now a key component of the training product. In 2019, the Campus coordinated around ten learning communities bringing together players from various horizons involved in transitions. In 2019, the SIBC, along with Proparco, AFI and INN, for example, supported 60 Ǿ start-ups producing a positive

impact in Africa, as part of a growing community which today includes over 200 Ǿ project initiators and mentors reaching out to 45,000 Ǿ members on Facebook. In 2019, the Parcours Pilotage des Collectivités Locales (PCL) continued to change thanks to a hybrid model that enabled a change of scale (over 1,000 listeners in 2019) and thanks to deployment in Africa (Madagascar, Togo, Algeria, Cameroon) for better anchoring in the South. 2019 also saw the ramp-up of internal and external PLAY training, focused on collective creativity and intelligence, which reached over 200 Ǿ people in face-to-face sessions. These innovative educational formats, based on neuroscience findings and emblematic of new ways of learning, have been rolled-out to all training (PCL, MoDEV, Boulder, Sahel 2040, SIBC, etc.) carried by the Campus, along with internal discussions. Training on understanding major challenges was also intensified in 2019: summer schools on SDGs and strategy 5.0 in the French Overseas Departments and Collectivities notably. The Campus reinforced its positioning as a platform, multiplying structuring partnerships for the deployment of its training actions. In 2019, the French university of the BOULDER MFT Institute opened in Marseille, reinforcing the partnership between the Campus and this leading player in the inclusive financing sector. Numerous other partnerships saw the light in 2019, with players in both the South (Egypt, Morocco, Cameroon, South Africa and Madagascar) and in the North (FERDI/IHEDD, CRI, IRD, HEC, ADEME, CODATU, Instituts de Futurs Souhaitables, UVED, ENA, Emerging Valley, KEDGE, Euroméditerranée, AMFT and AVITEM) that wish to work with Africa. 1.6.7 Proparco’s activity For Proparco, 2019 came under its 2017-2020 Ǿ strategy focusing on 6 priority operational targets: Africa, border countries, climate, mobilising third parties, environmental and social support and financing of innovative projects. In 2019, the scope of activity managed by Proparco was enlarged, as Proparco took over AFD’s private sector activity. Proparco’s 2019 approvals amounted to €2,537M, broken down as follows: P loan operations, quasi-equity and other securities for €1,950M. Debt operations represented €1,362M in 2018. Activity under AFD represented €502M of these operations in 2019 (€420M in 2018); P equity investments in the amount of €319M (€253M in 2018); P guarantees for €250M in 2019 (€0M in 2018); P grants for €18M.




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