AFD - 2019 Universal registration document

CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH IFRS 6 Statutory auditors’ special report on regulated agreements

With that funding, COORDINATION SUD hopes to continue to strengthen its contribution to public policies regarding humanitarian issues, sustainable development and international solidarity by bringing together, strengthening and enhancing French CSOs as key players in international solidarity. AFD provided the beneficiary with a grant of €2,943,314, or 60% of the total estimated budget for the programme. The first tranche was for the 2017 financial year and the second for 2018 and 2019. At 31 December 2019, AFD had paid the total subsidy of €2,943,000. Agreement between AGENCE FRANÇAISE DE DÉVELOPPEMENT and COORDINATION SUD regarding the fi nancing of the FRIO facility On 1 September 2016 AFD and COORDINATION SUD signed an agreement on the financing of the FRIO facility, which aims to Ǿ strengthen organisational and institutional aspects of French CSOs (civil society organisations). AFD is putting at the beneficiary’s disposal a grant for a maximum amount of €584,197. This grant may not exceed the limit of 80% of a project’s overall budget. Funding paid must be used entirely for eligible expenses by 31 June 2017 at the latest. The portion of the grant not used by this date will be automatically cancelled. The period of eligibility for expenses related to the project is set from 1 July 2016, or the project’s effective start date, to 31 December 2017, the project’s effective closing date. Costs arising from the negotiation, preparation, signature and execution are considered as additional expenses and remain payable by COORDINATION SUD. This agreement received prior approval by AFD’s Board of Directors on 16 June 2016. At 31 December 2019, AFD had paid the total subsidy of €584,000. Financing agreement between AGENCE FRANÇAISE DE DÉVELOPPEMENT and COORDINATION SUD on funding the new edition of the study “ Argent/Association de solidarité internationale – Edition 2017 ” (money and international solidarity associations - 2017 edition) This agreement provides that a grant of €65,395 be made available to the COORDINATION SUD association. This will be used to fund the new edition of the study “ Argent/Associations de solidarité internationale (ASI) – Edition 2017 ”. This agreement received prior approval by AFD’s Board of Directors on 15 December 2016. At 31 December 2019, AFD had paid the total subsidy of €65,000. With Comité National de Solidarité Laique – CNSL Agreement on the Programme for Developing Education Networks in West Africa On 6 April 2017, AFD and the Comité National de Solidarité Laïque signed a financing agreement for the Programme for Developing Education Networks in West Africa (final phase 2016-2018). The actual project end date is 31/12/2020. The maximum amount of the grant is set at €910,219 of which the first payment will be made once the following conditions have been met: P approval by the Agency of the final technical and financial report for the previous phase; P receipt by AFD of the communication containing the NGO’s security plan at the French Embassy in Benin and in Burkina Faso. The period of eligibility for expenses related to the project is set from 1 April 2016, or the project’s effective start date, to 31 March 2018, corresponding to the project’s closing date. By the latter date, all of the expenses related to the project must have been paid out. The deadline for dispersing funds is set at 31 September 2017. This agreement received prior approval by AFD’s Board of Directors on 16 June 2016. At 31 December 2019, AFD had paid the total subsidy of €910,000. Agreement between AGENCE FRANÇAISE DE DÉVELOPPEMENT and the CNSL for the fi nancing of a project to support citizen participation in post-peace agreement Colombia On 13 July 2017, the AFD Board of Directors approved the signature of a regulated agreement with the Comité National de Solidarité Laïque for the financing of a project to support citizen participation in post-peace agreement Colombia. AFD provided the beneficiary with a grant of €349,706, or 50% of project costs. The project will last for 30 months, from 1 September 2017 to 29 February 2020. This project was previously presented to the NGO Committee on 13 June 2017. At 31 December 2019, AFD had paid €350,000.



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