AFD - 2019 Universal registration document



AFD operations Promoting knowledge of sustainable development Based in Marseille, the purpose of the Development Campus (formerly CEFEB) is to design and develop innovative educational formats, educational resources (training cycles, seminars, capsules, MOOC, etc.) and coordinate learning communities for the benefit of the categories of players who contribute to the transitions in the countries in which AFD operates. These training courses target the Group’s partners in the countries of operation, the community of development players (in France or abroad) and also as part of mixed audience training courses, AFD agents at head office and in the network. Its purpose is to transfer and share knowledge and expertise required to become committed and creative change players to serve transitions. 1.3.4 AFD mandate-speci fi c activities AFD’s bylaws provide for cases in which AFD acts on behalf of third parties. In accordance with Article Ǿ R.515-12 of the CMF, AFD manages the specific operations financed by the French State’s budget on the State’s behalf and at its risk. The terms of these operations are set out in agreements with the appropriate ministries. These are either (i) Ǿ framework agreements governing terms for AFD’s implementation of a project category, or (ii) Ǿ individual temporary agreements setting terms for the implementation of a specific project. For example, the following agreements were signed: P the framework agreements between AFD and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs dated 1 Ǿ December Ǿ 2000 and 9 Ǿ November Ǿ 2001 regarding the management of assigned funds delegated by the MAE to AFD; P the agreement of 23 Ǿ December Ǿ 2003 related to the implementation of bilateral aid in Heavily-Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC). Refinancing through donations, particularly in the form of debt reduction-development contracts (C2D) as part of the debt relief program for HIPCs and the conversion of monetary debts; P the agreement of 14 Ǿ May Ǿ 2012 on the management of the French Global Environment Facility and the bilateral share in the Montreal Protocol Multi-lateral Fund; P the agreement of 6 Ǿ December Ǿ 2016 on the implementation of the Trade Capacity Building Program (TCBP); P the agreement of 15 Ǿ December Ǿ 2016 related to the management by AFD of the Solidarity Fund for Development (FSD), financed by the solidarity tax on airline tickets and the Financial Transaction Tax. As a priority, FSD inflows are used to pay for multi-lateral aid expenses for development related to global public goods in the areas of health, climate and environment and in particular to fund the International Finance Facility for Immunisation (IFFIm); P the agreement of 24 Ǿ November Ǿ 2017 related to the management by AFD of the loan granted to the African Development Fund (ADF) for the French representation.

Moreover, in application of Article Ǿ 10 of framework law no. Ǿ 2014- 773of 7 Ǿ July Ǿ 2014on the development and international solidarity policy, AFD is authorised to carry out activities on behalf of third parties such as the European Union, international institutions and organisations, foreign States, any public authority, financial institutions and other development banks or public or private institutions. To this end, it has been entrusted with managing loans delegated by the European Commission or other backers (the UK’s DFID, the Monegasque Cooperation, etc.). In accordance with international accounting regulations, these activities are excluded from the consolidated balance sheet. AFD’s compensation for this type of activity is decided on a case-by-case basis as set out by the agreement and is intended to cover AFD’s costs. 1.3.5 AFD’s operating scope (see b Appendix b I) The geographical areas in which AFD is authorised to operate are listed in Appendix Ǿ 1, with the understanding that its operating mandate (forms of intervention, sectors, etc.) differs according to the country. 1.3.6 Information about any restrictions on the use of capital that have materially affected, or could materially affect, directly or indirectly, the issuer’s operations. The restrictions on the use of capital that could materially affect the issuer’s operations are limited to: P equity investments made by AFD: these are transactions subject to State approval by an interministerial decree under the conditions set by Decree no. Ǿ 53-707 of 9 Ǿ August Ǿ 1953 on the State’s control of national companies, P lending granted by AFD outside of its geographic scope of operations defined by Article Ǿ R.515-9 of the French Monetary and Financial Code: these transactions require State authorisation under the conditions set by the aforesaid Article Ǿ R.515-9 of the French Monetary and Financial Code. Moreover, the Government Commissioner has a power to oppose the decisions made by AFD (Article Ǿ R.515-24 of the French Monetary and Financial Code). However, this is an ex post check and not an ex-ante control.



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