ADP // Universal Registration Document 2022

Presentation of the Group

Group activities GMR Airports Aéroports de Paris SA finalised the acquisition of a 49% stake in the Indian group GMR Airports Limited (GAL) on 7 July 2020. The initial acquisition price was INR 107.8 billion (approximately €1,360 million), including INR 1,060 Crores (€126 million), the payment of which is subject in particular to the achievement of certain performance targets for GMR Airports’ activities by 2024, as well as certain ratchets which, in the event of achievement will result in a potential and limited dilution of ADP by 2024. This investment is consolidated using the equity method in Groupe ADP’s financial statements. The financial operation includes a strategic industrial partnership with GMR regarding business development in aviation, retail, IT, GMR Airports, the leading Indian airport group operating in a dynamic region, has a portfolio of world-class assets comprising seven airports in four countries (India, the Philippines, Indonesia and Greece) and a subsidiary specialised in project management, GMR Airport Developers Ltd (GADL). The four airports operated by GMR Airports in 2022 were: ◆ Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi, India (majority holding of Delhi International Airport Ltd – DIAL, fully consolidated within GAL’s financial statements); ◆ Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Hyderabad, India (majority holding of GMR Hyderabad International Airport Ltd – GHIAL, fully consolidated within GAL’s financial statements); ◆ Mactan-Cebu Airport, in the Philippines (minority interest, consolidated using the equity method in the financial statements of GAL) alongside the Filipino partner Megawide, whose stake was sold in 2022 (see below); ◆ Kualanamu Airport, Medan in Indonesia, since 7 July 2022 (minority interest, consolidated using the equity method in the accounts of GAL) alongside the Indonesian partner Angkasa Pura II. Three other airports were under development in 2022 (Goa in India, whose domestic operations began on 5 January 2023, Visakhapatnam in India, and Heraklion-Kasteli in Greece). GAL also obtained the concession for Nagpur airport (approximately 3.5 million passengers before the crisis), which is still subject to a final decision by the Supreme Court. The concession contract could become effective in 2023. Delhi, Hyderabad and Mactan-Cebu welcomed together a total of 103.5 million passengers during the calendar year 2019, with very dynamic domestic and international traffic. In 2022, traffic reached 84.1 million passengers. The GMR Airports group is composed of: ◆ several subsidiaries managing airport concessions: Delhi International Airport Ltd (DIAL) owned 64%, GMR Hyderabad hospitality, innovation and engineering. DESCRIPTION OF GMR AIRPORTS

International Airport Ltd (GHIAL) owned 63%, GMR Goa International Airport Ltd (GGIAL), owned 99.9%, GMR Visakhapatnam International Airport Ltd (GVIAL) owned 100%, International Airport Heraklion Crete Concession SA owned 21.64%; ◆ a subsidiary specialised in airport development project management: GMR Airport Developers Ltd (GADL) fully owned (100%); ◆ several service subsidiaries: Delhi Duty Free Services Private Ltd (DDFS) owned 17% and Delhi Airport Parking Services Private Ltd owned 40.1%; ◆ indirectly, the group holds stakes in more than twenty companies, most of them being subsidiary companies of respectively DIAL (including DDFS, Delhi Airport Parking Services, Times Innovative Media Delhi Airport Advertising, Delhi Aviation Fuel Facility, Travel Food Services, Celebi Cargo Delhi, Delhi Aviation Services, Delhi Aerotropolis) and GHIAL (including GMR Hospitality and Retail, GMR Hyderabad Aerotropolis, GMR Hyderabad Security Services, GMR Hyderabad Airport Cargo & Logistics, GMR Aerospace Engineering, Laqshya Hyderabad Airport Media). The 40% stake in GMR Megawide Cebu Airport Corporation (GMCAC) was sold with a first closing of 33% of the shares in December 2022, and a second closing for the balance in 2024. During financial year 2022, which ended on 31 March 2022, GMR Airports recorded total revenue of INR 44.5 billion and reported EBITDA of INR 21.8 billion. Delhi and Hyderabad airports are carbon neutral (ACA 3 and now ACA 4+ for Delhi). GMR AIRPORTS STRATEGY On Investor Day on 17 February 2022, as part of the presentation of the Group’s “2025 Pioneers” strategic roadmap, GMR Airports presented the main lines of its own five-year roadmap, in line with Groupe ADP’s vision. It will focus in particular on capturing the strong growth potential in India (traffic, non-aeronautical revenues in Delhi and Hyderabad, monetisation and promotion of concession land reserves) and improving the profitability of assets in order to contribute to the Company’s borrowing reduction. This strategy will also see the deployment of the industrial partnership signed between Groupe ADP and GMR Airports, for example, to support the renewal of the passenger experience in Indian terminals and the deployment of Smart Airports technologies. The reduction of the carbon footprint via the implementation of green initiatives has been identified as a priority. GMR Airports’ roadmap will also make it possible to seize growth opportunities in India (new privatisation opportunities, disposal of non-controlling interests by the Airport Authority of India) and more broadly in South-East Asia.




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