ADP // Universal Registration Document 2022

Presentation of the Group

Group activities

The terms of payment and repayment of this advance are set by agreement with the France Trésor agency and the DGAC. The revenue from the tax will contribute to the repayment of the principal and the payment of the interest of the advances thus granted by the State. In this context, as the decline in traffic related to the Covid-19 crisis still weighs on the financing of security, an upward revision of the tax cap could take place in 2023. Outlook Groupe ADP anticipates a gradual return of traffic to pre-crisis levels over the coming years. Thus, the level of traffic reached in 2019 at Paris Aéroport should be recovered between 2024 and 2026 and exceed that of 2026. The growth in air traffic will continue over the long term due to the continued economic development of the regions, the growth of the global middle class and, in particular, its propensity to travel, and the positioning of Paris as a leading tourist and business centre. The Group expects this growth in traffic volume to be accompanied by a gradual change in the traffic mix in favour of international, which creates more value for the Group. The more reasoned use of aircraft and the increasing use of other modes of transport on short and medium-distance journeys should naturally contribute to reducing the share of the domestic and Schengen routes in favour of international routes (excluding Europe) which contribute more to the total traffic at Paris Aéroport. This outlook does not take into account Groupe ADP’s strategy of making its platforms multimodal hubs, which should further strengthen this development.

from 1 April 2022, by decree of 23 March 2022 setting the list of airports and airport groups and the tariff for safety and security for the tax on passenger air transport applicable to each one, the reduction rate of this tariff as well as the airport equalisation tariff for this tax. Since the Amending French Finance Act for 2013 (Act No. 2013 1279 of 29 December 2013), Aéroports de Paris, as a group of airports, no longer benefits from the equalisation system for the funding of security measures for the Pontoise, Toussus-le-Noble and Issy-les-Moulineaux airports. User fees Article 179 of Law No. 2018-1317 of 28 December 2018 on Finance for 2019, now codified in Article L. 6328-3 of the French Transport Code, modified the financing regime by providing that, for each airport and grouping of class 1 and 2 aerodromes whose annual costs per boarded passenger eligible for financing by the tax is at least equal to €9 per passenger for each of the last four known calendar years, the price is set in such a way as to cover 94% of the eligible costs borne by its operator, from 1 April 2019. Aéroports de Paris comes under the scope of application of this provision. The Company operates a group of class 1 airports for which the annual costs per boarded passenger eligible for financing by the tax exceeded €9 on average over the last three known civil years. As a result, from 1 April 2019, 6% of the costs attributable to tasks covered by the tax are borne by Aéroports de Paris. Based on Aéroports de Paris SA’s security costs of between €500 million and €600 million per year in the coming years, the impact of this co-payment on the company’s profit/loss from operating activities amounts to between approximately €30 million and €35 million per year. The Group continues to invest in safety/security at the Paris airports. The most significant investments in the coming years concern the deployment of EDS detection equipment 1 standard 3 at Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly, as well as perimeter protection measures at Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Paris-Orly and Paris-Le Bourget. Advances to airport operators affected by the Covid-19 crisis for safety-security expenses Faced with the decline in air traffic impacting passenger air transport tax revenues, Aéroports de Paris was able to benefit in 2020 from €121.8 million of the total amount of €300 million of the “advances to airport operators program for airports affected by the Covid-19 crisis in respect of safety and security expenses” in order to finance operating and investment expenses relating to safety and security missions. This cash advance was renewed by the successive finance laws in 2021 (€118.9 million allocated to Aéroports de Paris out of the total national credit of €250 million) and 2022 (€15 million allocated to Aéroports de Paris on the total national credit of €150 million).














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48% 44%












National & Schengen

1 Explosive Detection System.



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