ADP // Universal Registration Document 2022

Corporate Governance

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ON 15 FEBRUARY 2023 DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE SENIOR DIRECTOR The Senior Director assists the Chairman and CEO in his or her duties as Chairman of the Board of Directors, with the organisation and smooth operation of the Board and of its committees and with the monitoring of corporate governance and internal control. He or she carries out the duties in a totally objective and impartial way. In order to identify any conflicts of interest, he or she is updated on a regular basis about significant events and situations impacting the life of the Group. He or she has access to all of the documents and information required to accomplish his or her duties. He or she can, with the approval of the Chairman and CEO, and in very specific cases, represent the Company in its relations with shareholders, in particular those who are not represented on the Board of Directors, with respect to corporate governance issues. Together with the Chairwoman of the Compensation, Appointments and Governance Committee, he or she also manages the yearly assessment process relating to the operation of the Board of Directors and its committees and reports back to the Board of Directors. Lastly, the Senior Director reports to the Board of Directors annually on the performance of his or her duties. ACTIVITY REPORT OF THE SENIOR DIRECTOR During the 2022 financial year, the referent administrator notably organised the first executive session of the Board. She also reported to the Board of Directors meeting on 14 December 2022 on her work on: ◆ the identification of the various conflicts of interest noted with certain members of the Board; ◆ conducting the external assessment of the functioning of the Board and its committees and on recommendations for improvements, in collaboration with the Chairwoman of the Compensation, Appointments and Governance Committee. Executive session, without the presence of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer The referent administrator organised a meeting on 30 October 2022 in the presence of all members of the Board of Directors, with the exception of the Chairman and CEO. The participants freely expressed their views on the topics on the agenda.

The Board of Directors of Aéroports de Paris decided that the Chairman and CEO must obtain the prior authorisation of the Board of Directors for the following acts: ◆ strategy and major projects: adoption of Groupe ADP’s five year investment and financing plan; approval of planned investments, acquisitions and disposals of tangible, intangible and financial assets carried out by Aéroports de Paris or any other company it controls as meant by Article L. 233-3 of the French Commercial Code for an amount greater than: ◆ €60 million in France, ◆ €50 million in other countries; ◆ the principles governing the allocation of airlines among the various airports and air terminals; ◆ approval of the contracts provided for in Articles 2 and 3 of Law no. 2005-357 of 20 April 2005 on airports; ◆ pricing: approval of the multi-annual Economic Regulation Agreement; setting the level of the fees described in point 1 of Article R. 224-2 of the French Civil Aviation Code; ◆ with respect to financial matters: approval of transactions and debt waivers for an amount equal or superior to €15 million, excluding taxes. These restrictions were incorporated into the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors which issues its allocations while taking into account the restrictions imposed on the powers of the Chairman and CEO. Role and mission of the referent administrator PRESENTATION OF THE SENIOR DIRECTOR At its meeting of 25 July 2019, the Board of Directors decided to appoint a Senior Director from among the independent directors on a proposal from the Compensation, Appointments and Corporate Governance Committee. At the Board of Directors meeting of 30 March 2022, Séverin Cabannes, independent director, was appointed with effect from 1 April 2022, referent administrator to replace Françoise Debrus. The referent administrator Françoise Debrus, is Chairwoman of the Compensation, Appointments and Corporate Governance Committee and is also a member of the Audit and Risk Committee. Since 22 July 2005, Aéroports de Paris has been a limited company with a Board of Directors whose securities have been admitted for trading on a regulated market (Euronext Paris) since 16 June 2006. Composition of the Board of Directors The Company has been managed by a Board of Directors since 11 May 2017, in accordance with Order no. 2014-948 of 20 August 2014 on governance and the capital transactions of companies with public shareholding and Article 13 of the Articles of Association of Aéroports de Paris. 3.1.3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS


The Board of Directors consists of three to eighteen members in accordance with Article 13 of the Company’s Articles of Association. At 31 December 2022, it comprised six directors appointed by the Annual General Meeting, one director representing the French State, five directors proposed by the French State and appointed by the Annual General Meeting, and six directors representing employees. The members of the Audit and Risk Committee meet the criteria of financial or accounting expertise provided for by the laws in force, as shown in the description of the offices and positions held by the directors over the last five financial years.



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