ADP // Universal Registration Document 2022

Presentation of the Group

Regulatory environment

In the event of transfer to the private sector of most of Aéroports de Paris’ share capital, as authorised by the Pacte law, new specifications will apply to Aéroports de Paris. Article 131 of the Pacte law sets the minimum content of the specifications. The new specifications must, in particular, include provisions to regulate and/or authorise various operations, in particular those relating to the land of Aéroports de Paris, which must return to the State at the end of the seventy years of operation by Aéroports de Paris. Article L. 6323-4 of the French Transport Code sets the method of calculation of the amount of any fine (“financial penalty”) that the Minister responsible for Civil Aviation may impose, after approval by a committee of experts chaired by a judicial or administrative magistrate, in the event of a failure by Aéroports de Paris to meet its specific obligations under the specifications. This amount must be proportionate to the severity of the breach, the scale of any loss and any advantage that may be gained, up to a maximum of 0.1% of revenues excluding tax of the preceding financial year, raised to 0.2% in the event of a further violation of the same obligation 1 .

◆ ensures, at the request of the minister responsible for Health, the application of certain health regulations, and provides, under the same conditions, appropriate information for passengers going to or coming from geographical regions temporarily affected by an epidemic; ◆ ensures the application of environmental regulations and is responsible, in this capacity, for the measurement of noise and measurements relating to atmospheric pollutants, rainwater run-off and wastewater; ◆ issues authorisation for activity at airports to ground handling service providers, air carriers that handle their own ground handling, and other companies engaged in industrial, commercial or craft activity. The specifications provide the State with the right to be informed about the economic and financial situation of the company. For this purpose Aéroports de Paris must provide the State with an annual report on the public service missions for the past financial year. The government authorities also monitor the Company’s use of the land and buildings it owns, in order to ensure the satisfactory fulfilment of the public service obligations assigned to it.



the Autorité de régulation des transports (transport regulatory authority). When it carries out an activity that falls within the scope of Directive 2014/23/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the award of concession contracts, Aéroports de Paris is an awarding authority as meant in public procurement law. The awarding of contracts for amounts whose estimated amount exceeds €428,000 without taxes for supplies and services contracts and €5,350,000 without tax for works contracts must be preceded by a formal procedure. In order to cover items relating to social and environmental responsibility in one chapter, environmental information is now included in Chapter 15 of this document.

Aéroports de Paris is governed by many other regulations including, notably, regulations that apply to publicly accessible premises. In application of community law, Aéroports de Paris provides assistance to passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility for accessing airport services and moving around facilities, including boarding and disembarking from aircraft. Aéroports de Paris must participate in the implementation of health control measures at the borders within the framework of the international health regulations as well as within the framework of the national requirements relating to the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. Aéroports de Paris operates bus stations as meant by the Transport Code and, therefore, is subject to reporting requirements for

1 In the event of privatisation, the ceiling of the financial penalty would be increased to 2% of revenue excluding tax for the last financial year ended by breach and to 10% of revenue excluding tax in the event of cumulative breaches.



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