ADP // Universal Registration Document 2022

Presentation of the Group 1 Main platforms

As such, Groupe ADP makes its airfields available to promote low-carbon and quieter aviation. The presence of several electric training aircraft, experiments on future vertical take-off and landing electric flying machines (VTOLs) and the hosting of innovative SMEs and training centres, attest to Groupe ADP’s desire to include airfields as aviation incubators for tomorrow. To stimulate innovation at airfields, Groupe ADP has launched several initiatives, including a Call for Expressions of Interest (“Play Your Airfield”) to identify innovative projects led by start-ups, SMEs/ISEs and large groups serving environmental issues and creating synergies with the regions in the areas of employment and training.

Groupe ADP is also very attentive to the integration of the aeronautical activity of the AAG into the urban fabric and the reduction of the impact of pollution. 2022 saw light aviation activity resume momentum. The change in the way of life of local residents (increased teleworking) sometimes generates tensions given the noise pollution. Dialogue with associations and local authorities is fundamental, and continuous work through charters of good conduct (like the one signed in 2022 for the Lognes aerodrome) makes it possible to implement best practices for pilots, particularly in terms of compliance with flight paths to protect the populations concerned. The rise of electric aviation and the development of quieter engines illustrate promising technological advances.



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