Collective agreements signed by theme – Aéroports de Paris Compensation (employee agreements, incentives, profit sharing, medical expenses)





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Employee representation

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Professional elections Professional networks


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GPEC 1 , training, generation contract




Working time


Workplace health and risk prevention


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Aéroports de Paris





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Savings plan (Company and Group)

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1 Human resource and skills management planning system.

visitors, displays, awareness raising, feedback as well as actions such as including security information in calls for candidates, security clauses in tender offers, introduction of penalties in the event of workplace accidents. Monitoring actions were developed in the form of meetings, “15 minutes security”, thematic audits, surprise visits, monthly publication of statistics, etc. However, travel accidents increased in 2017. Two days on workplace road safety were organised, one in Paris-Orly and the other in Paris-Charles de Gaulle, to raise employee awareness of this risk. Prevention of psychosocial risks The prevention of psychosocial risks, which may be of internal or external origin, for example customer relations, is one of the priorities of the Aéroports de Paris mobilisation plan: ◆ raising awareness and training individuals in the alert network, and including psychosocial risk prevention in the professional training received by managers; ◆ evaluating psychosocial risks and analysing accidents to prevent situations of discontent; ◆ building prevention of psychosocial risks into project management, particularly prior to reorganisations, promoting a good understanding of priorities, the contribution of each individual, independence and cooperation. For this, a methodology guide to take into account human factors in projects was drafted, as part of a collaborative and multidisciplinary framework and in association with the inter-company CHSCT. In a context of deep cultural change and transformation, it aims to anticipate the impacts on men and women at the heart of the transformations. It is based on: ◆ a systemic approach to projects taking into account the entire ecosystem and placing the project in its strategic and historical context; ◆ a collaborative momentum, that clarifies the role of the different players. Strong involvement for the concerned employees based on clear, transparent and authentic communication. The methodology for evaluating psychosocial risks was finalised and documented in the Single Document. The units have been trained and are being supported in assessing these risks and the “Single Document”, the regulatory professional risk assessment tool, is currently being updated.

Agreements were also signed in 2017 in the other Group companies benefiting from staff representation: ◆ ADP Ingénierie (NAO Mandatory Annual Negotiations, new Generation Contract agreement); ◆ Hub One (NAO, rider to the profit-sharing agreement, telework, development of the quality of working life). In 2016, the following agreements were signed by the subsidiaries: ADP Ingénierie (NAO), Hub One (profit-sharing 2016-2018, membership of the PERCOG and contribution 2016-2019, PEG and contribution 2016-2019, breakdown of the allocation of free shares within Groupe ADP, annual overtime hours, NAO) and Hub Safe (breakdown of the allocation of free shares within Groupe ADP, riders to the profit-sharing agreements). Health and Safety Prevention of occupational risks The results of the actions conducted in 2017 to fight against workplace accidents are encouraging after an unfavourable year in 2016. In 2017, for the scope of Aéroports de Paris, the number of workplace accidents with lost time recorded a significant drop (-19%) along with the frequency rate and severity rate. The three directions in the mobilisation plan were reaffirmed: ◆ act to prevent accidents on foot or in vehicles (work and journey); ◆ act to prevent aggressions and uncivil behaviour; this is a particular problem for all companies operating on airport platforms; ◆ act to promote well-being at work and fight against psychosocial risks. A new strategy was defined in 2017, in order to move from the idea of workplace safety to a prevention culture shared at all levels of the Company. Numerous actions were implemented to reinforce prevention management: monitoring of the action plan to reduce travel risks, a guideline for managerial practices in terms of occupational health and safety; a training module and guide dedicated to managers on how to take human factors into account in transformation projects. Bimonthly updates in the Executive Committee include data from subsidiaries and subcontractors on the main work projects. Since summer 2017, a security action plan was implemented on work projects. It includes initiatives coming from the culture: reception of



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