EXEL industries - 2019 Universal Registration Document

Management report 3 Risk factors

3.5.3 Analysis of trade payables and trade receivables

Art. D.441-4.I.1 of the French Commercial Code Invoices received but not paid and overdue as of the reporting date

Art. D.441-4.I.2 of the French Commercial Code Invoices issued but not paid and overdue as of the reporting date

Total (1 c day and more)

Total (1 c day and more)

0 c days (for information)

1 to 30 c days

31 to 60 c days

61 to 90 c days

91 c days and over

0 c days (for information)

1 to 30 c days

31 to 60 c days

61 to 90 c days

91 c days and over

(in € thousands)

(A) Late payment tranche Number

of invoices concerned












Total amount of invoices concerned exclusive of VAT Percentage of total purchases for the fi scal year exclusive of VAT Percentage of sales for the fi scal year exclusive of VAT




7.2 104.0


285.7 216.4 296.7 1,006.74 1,805.5


- 0.00% 0.10% 1.80%













1.40% 1.00% 1.40% 4.80% 8.70%

Risk factors


EXEL Industries reviewed the risks that could potentially have a material adverse e ff ect on its business, fi nancial position or results (or its ability to meet its targets), and considers that there are no signi fi cant risks other than those presented below and cited in section c 3.4.

3.6.1 Risks connected to the sector of activity

EXEL Industries has been engaged for years in the research and development of “smart” technical solutions aimed at drastically reducing the quantities of phytosanitary products used in treating crops. To accelerate our contribution to the agro-ecological transition and position ourselves as a major in fl uence in the agriculture of tomorrow, in July c 2019 EXEL Industries announced the re-organization of its French Agricultural Spraying activities into Centers of Excellence for production and research. In November c 2019, EXEL Industries created the new company EXXACT Robotics, specializing in precision agricultural technologies using arti fi cial intelligence, robotics, electronics and agronomy. This new company and these reorganizations will spur innovation, the development of new product lines and the mastery of new technologies such as precision farming, electronics, robotization, con fi ned spraying and arti fi cial intelligence to detect the plants to be treated, and more. EXEL Industries therefore means to be fully involved in the challenge of healthily feeding a growing global population, while ensuring competitive, productive farming that respects the environment.

Restrictions on using phytosanitary products

The products applied by our agricultural sprayers are phytosanitary products with a synthetic or natural origin. They notably include herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and liquid fertilizers. In France and in some other Western European countries, these products are increasingly controversial, subject to strict regulations and in certain cases are destined to disappear ( e.g . the Labbé law and the controversy surrounding Glyphosate) and will be replaced by alternative products. Agricultural Spraying represents 45.9% of consolidated revenue, and Western Europe accounts for 36.6% of that business’s revenue. The challenge facing agriculture is to feed the planet’s increasing population (11 c billion by 2100) whilst respecting the environment. In order to help achieve this dual target, EXEL Industries’ research and innovations are increasingly directed towards more precision sprayers to enable doses of chemical or natural origin products to be reduced by 30-50% whilst increasing yields. Research and innovation combined with visual recognition, drone and GPS mapping technologies and the use of data are the ways forward for a productive and environmentally-friendly agriculture.

EXEL Industries Group I 2019 Universal Registration Document 44

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