EXEL industries - 2019 Universal Registration Document

Management report

Statement of Non-Financial Performance

the soil by preventing excessive compaction by heavymachines. The Terra Variant has a driver assistance system to protect the soil and maintain directional stability in row crops. Waste management For many years now the EXEL Industries companies have managed waste by sorting it by material and destination. Sometimes enjoyable, participative activities are organized to get the involvement of the whole workforce. In Seine Saint Denis, our partnership continues with the non-pro fi t “ JOYEUX RECYCLEURS ”, a social enterprisewithwhichwe share strong human and social values. For every kilogram of waste collected, 5 c euro cents are contributed to the Ares Atelier, a non-pro fi t promoting a ffi rmative hiring. Of the numerous examples of waste management projects undertaken, a few may be cited: During the conversion process of our products: „ our assembly activities are low consumers of rawmaterials, as we mainly use components. However some companies have material transformation processes: VERMOREL (Romania, steel welding) and TRICOFLEX (France, plastics extrusion). These companies are reducing and re-using their own waste; „ HOZELOCK Ltd. sends some of its production waste (plastic extrusion material) to TRICOFLEX for recycling; „ VERMOREL optimizes its cutting plan and reuses o ff cuts; „ ETWorks takes delivery in bulk of the petroleum products used in the manufacturing processes. A system of pipes delivers the oils and fuels from the storage locations to the production locations. This eliminates the use of disposable products for these products; „ again at ET Works, the antifreeze used in winterizing and for the end-of-cycle trials of the spraying cycle of self-propelled sprayers is recycled. Rather than throw out the antifreeze, it is reused repeatedly, trial after trial, for the end-of-cycle trials and from one year to the next for winterizing; „ TRICOFLEX has designed expanded mixtures with a 30% saving on raw material and therefore recycles 80% of its plastic waste. The Company has invested in a more e ffi cient crushing/ fi berizing unit. Manufacturing processes are controlled, so fl uctuations in raw material consumption are detected and targeted action plans can therefore be set up (inspections and training). A new extruder was put in to replace the three old machines; „ at HOLMER, new painting equipment reduces the amount of paint used; „ TECNOMA has created a rotational molding rejects indicator showing results by machine and by customer, making it possible to monitor a medium-term acttion plan for mold forms. On the new molds, a pressure system is used to reduce the rejection rate for tanks made on the R50 machine; „ SAMES KREMLIN is continuing its policy of redesigning its product and shipping packaging and packing in order to reduce cardboard consumption. At the end of the conversion process of our products: „ processes for recycling paper, cardboard, plastic, steel and iron have been set up;

Respect for biodiversity and limiting soil compaction

EXEL Industries companies play a key role in agriculture as major suppliers to the sectorwho contribute to soil preservation. As partners with their customers (dealers, contractors, end-user farms, c etc.), they listen to them and meet their needs through innovations. In this way they participate actively in the transformation of the sector, creating long-term farm productivity and improved crop quality. The farmingmachinery developed by the Group sprays the right dose in the right place at the right time: by avoiding overdosing (by using TECNOMA’s Précijet, for example), and by increasing drip penetration (with the Iris by HARDI, for example). BERTHOUD marketed the Spraytronic system (pulsed spraying), providing constant pressure and an ideal size of spray drop regardless of the spraying speed. In this way the system avoids the drift associated with drops that are either too big at low speed (with run-o ff ) or too small at high speed (with blow-away). Similarly, there are “weed seeker” technology development programs with two French start-ups. This technology employs cameras mounted on the spray boom and connected to an on-board arti fi cial intelligence system. It enables the sprayer to identify in real time the weeds to treat. The sprayer moves down the row in “closed spray” mode and only the spray nozzles that will hit the target open when passing over the weeds. Depending on the degree of infection in the row, this technology reduces by 50% to 90% the volume of phytosanitary products necessary to treat the plot. AGRIFAC is dedicated to making sprayers that respect each plant and treat it only as needed. Our section cuto ff and nozzle-by-nozzle cuto ff systems guided by GPS avoid spraying twice in the same place. The nozzles designed by the Group are anti-drift certi fi ed. The phytosanitary products only reach the plant to be treated, thereby reducing the impact on fauna, fl ora and biodiversity. Our agricultural developments are in line with the ECOPHYTO governmental plan. In France, EXEL Industries ensures its leadership position in Agricultural Spraying and works actively on the FNSEA “solution contract”, which aims to implement real-world solutions for environmentally-friendly farming that uses less phytosanitary products. For the mass retail market, HOZELOCK EXEL has developed products that consume less active material (up to 90% for theWonderweeder). Our electric weeder, which destroys weeds by creating a thermal shock, avoids the use of chemical weed killers (Green Power). The HOZELOCK group partners with the French association of beekeepers and continues its commitments to respecting biodiversity. We are also working on reducing soil compaction to preserve soil biodiversity. In the Sugar Beet Harvesters activity, our engineers are working on using wider tires with lower pressures to reduce soil compaction. In Spreading, GPS systems guide the machines and so help preserve the soil. The newmanure spreader helps preserve the soil by being much lighter. After the sale of the first Terra Variant 585 in France in 2018, in February c 2019 at the last SIMA, HOLMER introduced its “little brother” the Terra Variant 435. This extremely light manure spreader protects


EXEL Industries Group I 2019 Universal Registration Document


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