EXEL industries - 2019 Universal Registration Document

Management report

Statement of Non-Financial Performance

In terms of directors of the Group’s holding company, this ratio is 50%. The Group’s Board of Directors includes two women, four men and one paid director. The French companies have all worked on agreements to promote gender equality. In countrieswhere there is no such legal requirement, charters are adopted in compliance with local legislation in terms of gender equality. The Group’s policy is to favor competence and motivation beyond any consideration of sex in hiring and wage raises. In practice, all the aforementioned topics are closely monitored by the Human Resources Departments of our companies. „ Headcount Men-Women : special attention is focused on the gender balance in certain departments, certain occupational categories or certain managerial levels: monitoring indicators have been set up. Local communication actions have been organized to promote certain more technical trades to girls. „ Access to training : future training plans have been studied with a view to equality of access to training. „ Special measures for family-life arrangements : gender balance related issues have been taken into account: „ interviews when returning towork after maternity leave/parental leave/long-term absences; „ focus on the work-life balance, especially connected with children (working times adapted to constraints such as school times, sick child leave, fl exibility at the end of school holidays, part-time working. For companies where flexible working already exists, the maximum amount of information is obtained upstream to permit good personal organization…), and on certain sites, providing child care access at locations close to work, with the Company contributing to its cost. „ Assistance in promoting gender balance on the shop fl oor „ Anticipation on the fabrication lines of certain heavier products so as to adapt the work station. For the fi rst time, one of the Group’s companies, SAMES KREMLIN, created and reported its gender parity index, using an extremely rigorous methodology . It came in at 85/100, well above the accepted threshold of 75 c points. This approach will be extended in 2019/2020 to EXEL Industries’ other French companies. Ethnic diversity, acting locally The organization of the Group comprises a union of enterpriseswhich, along with respect for local cultures, has historically favored locating our sites in rural areas and integrating them into local industrial life and society. Our companies are a major source of employment in these rural areas (direct or indirect, permanent or temporary jobs), and are connected to local job centers. Other companies in more di ffi cult regions have long been open to the youth of our neighborhoods and help them along, working with local networks, associations and partnering employers. More broadly, the immigration issue has become a hopeful one in our companies, and several of them (BERTHOUD, HARDI, SAMES KREMLIN and AGRIFAC) have started up genuine courses for training and for economic and cultural inclusion in order to bring genuine external skills into their companies. Bonds have been forged with community assistance groups, and grants provided to make our partnerships more e ff ective.

d c - c Meaningful employer-employee discussions Mature, peaceful employer-employee relationships lead to constructive dialog whose purpose is to improve the Company and the people who make it up. In addition to the compulsory meetings and negotiations in the countries concerned, regular meetings are held with personnel representatives, managers or even with the teams directly where a complete range of subjects are discussed: working conditions, compensation, presentation of the Company’s strategy and results, c etc. Certain agreements are signed on a voluntary basis at the level of each entity, without being extended to Group level, in keeping with our SME federation policy. There are 61 c such agreements in force in the Group’s di ff erent companies today. Important agreements were signed concerning welfare guarantees and supplemental insurance, newagreements on fl ex-time, renewals of agreements on pro fi t-sharing, or the right to disconnect outside work. Value No. c 7: “Pride of belonging” is felt through long-service awards, open-door days for families and sometimes retirees, training o ff ered to all teams, NewYear’s celebrations (HOLMER North) together with customers and participative programs to improve work stations. The GroupWorks Committee brings together the representatives of the biggest companies worldwide. In addition, the Chief Executive O ffi cer of the Group also invites members of the Works Committee to the Annual General Meeting. In February c 2018, the Group’s Board of Directors took on its first director who is an employee representative elected by the Group’s Works Committee. He was appointed for three fi scal years. e c - c Self-set schedules - New group and individual arrangements Throughout the Group, part-time work that is actively encouraged and not merely tolerated has become increasingly important. Only overtime due to seasonality can be turned down as not applicable, to meet our strong seasonal surges, but such arrangements are increasing. The total number of part-time workers across the entire Group as at September c 30, 2019 was 105 c people. Two new work-time arrangements are being discussed in our companies with formal conversations about self-set schedules and home o ffi ces, and experiments are being conducted at certain sites.


Maintain and develop skills

a c - c Customized training: aiming at the improved e ff ectiveness of the Company

Training requirements are identi fi ed in individual interviews between the manager and the employee, and the entity’s strategy. The training plans are annual and speci fi c to each entity, and may involve the Human Resource Departments where these exist. The courses are approved by the Executive Management teams, in line with the Company strategy. On the spot or delayed evaluation systems are

being set up in certain entities. The main topics covered are:

„ safety is the prime topic covered in each company. Educating all personnel on this topic from the moment they join the Company is of top importance. This training involves new hires but also

EXEL Industries Group I 2019 Universal Registration Document


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