EXEL industries - 2019 Universal Registration Document

Information on the c Company and its share capital

Capital and Shareholders

Subject to restrictions provided for by law or resulting from its application, any shareholder may attend general meetings and proceedings in person or through a representative, regardless of the number of his or her shares, subject to providing proof of identity, and provided that no payments are due on said shares. The right to attend the shareholders meetings is evidenced by an accounting entry showing the number of shares in the name of the shareholder of record (or the intermediary of record for the account) on the third business day preceding the meeting at midnight (Paris time): „ either in the registered share accounts maintained by the Company or its agent; or „ in bearer share accounts maintained by an authorized intermediary. In this latter case, the corresponding book entrymust be evidenced by a certi fi cate of attendance (attestation de participation) issued by the authorized intermediary that is to be attached to the voting form or the proxy or the request for an admission card ( carte d’admission ) mentioning the name of the shareholder. However, the Board of Directors may reduce or set aside these time requirements provided that this is to the bene fi t of all shareholders. Any shareholder may vote bymail using a form that may be obtained according to the conditions indicated by the meeting notice. A shareholder may be represented only by his or her spouse or by another shareholder with proof of power of attorney. Votes in meetings can be cast through all means (notably electronic means, teletransmission, videoconferencing, etc.), in accordance with the conditions established by regulations and set forth in the meeting notice.” Transfer and circulation of stock (Article c 10 of c the Articles of Association) No provisions of the Articles of Association imposed restrictions on the transfer of shares. Joint ownership – usufruct – bare ownership (Article c 11 of the Articles of Association) “[…] 11.2 The bare owner and the owner with usufruct are invited to meetings and may take part in them under the same conditions as shareholders with sole ownership. They may exercise the same right to communicate, under the same conditions, and receive the same information. They may take part, if they wish, in the discussions that precede voting and their voiced opinions, if any, are recorded in the minutes, like those of shareholders.

If the ownership is divided, the voting rights of the owner of usufruct are limited to questions relating to the appropriation of pro fi ts.”

Double voting right (Article c 12 of the Articles of c Association) “[…] shares that are fully paid up and which have been held in registered form in the name of the same shareholder for at least four years, carry a double voting right. This four-year period commences when the shares are recorded in registered form”. The double voting right was introduced by the Extraordinary General Meeting of May c 26, 1997 (Resolution twelve). The double voting right ceases to exist for any share converted to bearer form or on transfer, excluding transfers from one registered shareholder to another pursuant to inheritance or a gift to a qualifying family member (see applicable laws and regulations). “The income statement summarizes income and expense items of the fi scal year. It presents, after deducting allowances for depreciation, amortization and provisions, the pro fi t or loss of the fi scal year. From this pro fi t, less accumulated losses of previous fi scal years, when applicable, are deducted”: “- at least 5% to be appropriated to the legal reserves. This obligation remains in force until the reserve amount equals one-tenth of the common stock and resumes when, for any reason, the reserve amount falls below this percentage”; “- and all amounts appropriated to legal reserves”. “The balance, plus profits brought forward, constitutes the distributable earnings for the year. This amount is available to the General Meeting, pursuant to a proposal by the Board, for distribution in part or in full as dividends, allocation to all reserves, repayment of the capital or to be carried forward to retained earnings.” “The Annual General Meeting, called to approve the financial statements for the fi scal year, may grant shareholders the choice of receiving a dividend in the form of cash or shares for all or part of the dividend to be distributed.” “Reserves available to the General Meeting may be used on its decision for the payment of dividends. Such decision expressly indicates the reserve accounts from which the amounts are drawn.” Appropriation and allocation of pro fi ts (Article c 25 of the Articles of Association)


Capital and Shareholders


Stock market data


Identity card of the share „ NYSE-Euronext Paris, Compartment B „ Index: EnterNext© PEA-PME150 index „ ISIN/MNEMO/Reuters/Bloomberg: FR0004527638/EXE/EXEP.PA/EXE: FP „ Close of the fi scal year: September c 30 „ Number of shares: 6,787,900 „ Nominal value €2.5

Key fi gures Share value at September c 30, 2019:...........................................................€40.80 Share performance over one year: ..............................................................-58.11% Market capitalization at September c 30, 2019: ........................€276 c million Average daily trading volume: .............................................................................1,029

EXEL Industries Group I 2019 Universal Registration Document


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